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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 22d 1867. #106. | Florida. J.T. Sprague. Col. file. | Jacksonville June 17th 1867. Forwards Report of Refugees, Freedmen. for the months of April & May 1867. Also a Change in roster of Officers & Civilians for May 1867. |    

| June 25th 1867. #107. | French E.B. 2d Auditor Tax Dept. see P.L.B. June 25th 1867. file. | Portsmouth. Va. June 21" 1867. Refers letter of Mr Gilbert Hudson. cold. requesting employment. |

| June 1867. #108. | Tee. John G. file. | Boston, Mass. States that he received the letter in reply to his thro Rev. Geo. Whipple. States that when the authenticated copy of charter is seen it will be a directory as to how to send the amount appropriated. | 

| June 26th 1867. #109. * | Florida. J.T. Sprague. Genl. file. | Jacksonville. June 19th 1867. Transmits report of Sub Asst Comr's serving in the district of Florida. |

| June 27th 1867. #110. * | Fraser D.W. see P.L.B. June 27th 1867. file. | Washington. June 26th 1867. Applies for a position in the Bureau. |

| June 27th 1867 #111 * | Florida C.T. Chase, Supt of Schools. see L.B. June 27th 1867. file. | Jacksonville June 20th 1867 Asks if the unexpended balance of this years appropriation cannot be used now for school purposes as it is greatly need. |

| June 29th 1867. #112 | Florida J.T. Sprague Col. July 1st Referred to J.W. Alvord. Genl Supt of Ed. for remarks. | Jacksonville June 22 1867 Forwards letter of C.T. Chase Supt of Schools, requesting the appointment of Charles Pierce (colored) as an assistant in organizing the schools in Middle & Western Florida. With recommendation that the within appointment be made at a salary of $50.00 per month |

| June 29th 1867 #113 | Florida J.T. Sprague Col. July 1st Referred to J.W. Alvord Genl Supt of Ed. for remarks. | Jacksonville June 23d 1867 Forwards letter of C.T. Chase Supt of Schools requesting the appointment of Field Cook as an Assistant. States that the first great need in Fla is a good school houses, that Col Sprague approves of his plan. Suggests the appointment of Trustees to exercise the needed local interests. With recommendation that the appointment be made at a salary of $50.00 per month. |

| June 29th 1867 #114 | Florida J.T. Sprague Col. July 1st Returned disapproved. It appears from the records of this office that Mr. Foster receives $125.00 per month which is the largest salary allowed for clerks. | Jacksonville June 25" 1867 Forwards approved request of Lieut A.H. Jackson A.A.Q.M. &c. that the salary of Charles H. Foster may be increased to $175.00 per month. |

Transcription Notes:
Page one complete with a few words missing.. Page 2 not begun yet.