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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug. 23 1867. #171 | Florida Jno. T. Sprague, Col. & Asst Comms | Jacksonville August 17, 1867. Forwards approved application of D.M. Hammond, Agent Buncan RF & AL., to have his salary increased from $75.00 to $100.00 per month. With remark that "it is impossible to procure the services of reliable & efficient agents in Florida at so reduced a salary." |
[[note]] Aug. 24th: Returned with appointment. [[/note]]

| August 24. 1867 #172 | Freed Un. Comm. (N.E.Br.) ED. Cheney. | Boston, Mass., August 21. 1867. Returns her previous communication, and Secretary McKim letter on the subject. States that they are too far east to work well in Miss., but desires the appropriation previously requested for the Normal School at Columbus, Georgia. (2 enclosures.) |

| August 14. 1867 #173 * | Freedmens Savings and Trust Co., C.H Howard & JW. Alvord, Agency Committee. File. | Washington City August 12. 1867 Request that S.S. Ashley, Actg. Cashier, F.D. & T. Co at Wilmington, N.C., be paid $75.00 per month as an Agent of this Bureau. (1 enclosure) |

| August 24. 1867. #174 * | Freedmens Un. Commn., (Pa Bu) S. Colwell Chairman From the War Department. File | Philadelphia, Pa. November 10. 1867, Desire to tender relief to the suffering freedmen to the Southwest, and wish the Government to indicate the best manner of so doing. |

| August 26. 1867 #175 * | Florida Jno T. Sprague, Col., Asst. Commr of | Jacksonville August 22, 1867. In reply to the Commissioner's endorsement of July 25., on letter of Francis George Shaw, Esq., relative to the Freedmans Orphan Asylum at Magnolia, Fla., states that said asylum was started shortly before the close of the war at Fernandina, Fla., by the N.Y. branch of the Fred. Un. Comm., and has since been removed to its present location, &c., &c. | 
[[note]] See F. 147. Vol 8. Dee F. 192 Vol 11. file See L.B. Aug 30th, 1867. [[/note]]
| August 27. 1867 #176 * | Florida: Jno T Sprague, Col Asst Comms of | Jacksonville, August 22. 1867 Forwards requisitions for rations for the asylum and hospital at Magnolia, for month of Sept. 1867. | 
[[note]] Aug. 27: Returned to the Chief C.D. - Enclosures. returned approved by C.C.S. file. [[/note]]

| August 27. 1867 #177 | Florida: Jno T Sprague, Col. Asst Commr of File. | Jacksonville, August 22. 1867, Forwards report of Civilians on duty on Aug 1. 67 One Enclosure. |

| August 29. 1867 #178 | Florida: C Thurston Chase, Supt Edn. of | Washington City, August 27, 1867. Reports that he has prepared plan for school houses, with full instructions as to their construction &c., at a cost of less than $100., and that $500.00 will complete a work of over 100 pages on the subject of school and cottage architecture, with illustrations, working plan, specifications, &c, ready for the printer, which will be of immense use, to educators and freedpeople in the South, (the designs especially contemplating protection from heat), and requests an appropriation for that purpose, &c. |
[[note]] see. C. 274 Vol 11. E.B. p. 482 Vol 3. [[/note]]

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