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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| June 3d 1867 #166 | Georgia C.C. Sibley. Col. | Macon. Ga. May 30th 1867. Recommends S. Gammage, and James Called, for appointment as Agents without salary, they having consented to serve and have proved their loyalty. See L. B June 11 1867 June 11th Returned, with appointment as requested. |

| June 3d 1867 #167 | Georgia. C. C. Sibley. Col. See No 167. Vol 10., See L.B. June 4th 1867 E.B. p 254 Vol 3. | Recommends Horace F. Mills of Middleton, N.Y. for appointment as Agent at a salary of $100 per month, and requests that, his appointment be sent to him at Middleton N.Y. |

| June 5th 1867 #168. * | Gardner H. file | Washington 
June 6th 1867. Introduces Lieut. G. A. Clements. 44th Infty. who desires a detail in this Bureau in La. |

| June 6th 1867 #169 | Georgia J. R. Lewis. Genl. | Macon June 1st 1867. Forwards letter of Capt. Geo. R. Walbridge. transmitting statement of Provisions for the month of May 1867. received and transferred. 
[[note]] June 6 Referred to Genl. E. Whittlesey. A.I.G. [[/note]] | 

| June 6th 1867 #170 J. R. Lewis. Genl. | Macon June 1st 1867 Forwards letter of Capt. E.W.L. Ehlers transmitting statement of Provisions for distribution under act of Congress. approved March 30th 1867. [[note]] June 6th Referred to Genl. E Whittlesey. A.I.G. [[/note]] | 

[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| June 7th 1867 #171 | Georgia C. C. Sibley Col. Two papers | Macon Ga. June [[3d?]] Recommends Francis W. Whithorn and D. J. Curtis, be appointed Agents in Ga. at a salary of $100 00 per month each. [[note]] See L. B. June 14th  June 14th Returned with appointments enclosed as requested. [[/note]] | 

| June 8th 1867 #172 | Gross. John S. | Washington |
June 1st 1867 States that his sister Emily Hall desires to obtain possession of her son Ned Ford, now held by Mr. Sesser of Calvert Co. Md. Is willing and able to support the child. [[note]] June 11th Referred to Asst. Coms. of S.C. for investigation report. [[/note]] | 

| June 10th 1867 #173 | Georgia C.C. Sibley Col. | Macon. June 5th 1867, Recommends F.C. Garth. for appointment, as Agent at a salary of $100 per month. [[note]] see L.B. June 14th 1867 June 14th Returned with appointment enclosed as requested. [[/note]] | 

| June 11th 1867 #174. | Georgia C.C. Sibley. Col. | [[Macon?]] Forwards approved application of A A Surgeon [[?]] Dalton U.S.A. for an increase of 28 percemt on his present salary [[note]] June 12th Referred to Serg. Edwards C.M.O. for remarks. June 12th Recd back with report. E. Bp. 213 Vol 3 [[/note]] | 

| June 12th 1867 #175 | Georgia C. T. Watson. [[illegible]] | [[illegible]] Transmits accounts of [[?]] W. Burke & Co. for printing [[?]] by his direction
[[note]] June 13th Forwarded approved to the Asst. Sec of War [[/note]] | 

Transcription Notes:
portions marked "[[illegible]]" are faded too much to read rearrange by 3 columns per entry