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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.  | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| August 19th 1867 #248. | Georgia CC Sibley  Aug 19th Retd with appts and letters of revocation | Atlanta Ga Aug 14, 67 Recommends that the appointment of K Tyner as Agt be revoked, also that of JW Barney as Clerk, and that he be appointed an Agent.  Also that William Tallory be appointed Clerk vice Barney made Agt. | 

| August 20, 1867 #249 | Georgia C.C. Sibley  See E B August 20 1867 See G266 Vol II  EB 462, Vol III. | Atlanta Ga August 15th Returns letter of Comm. of 8th inst asking if there is an vacancy at Brunswick Ga, Dr. H Gilbert having applied for the Agency there. States that there is no vacancy at Brunswick but if he will accept an Agency at some other point in the State he can be appointed. | 

| August 20 1867 #250 | Georgia CC Sibley see G10 Vol 12. EB 460, Vol 3. | Atlanta Ga August 15th 67 Forwards for consideration comm. of Jacob R Davis Agt &c stating that during the temporary absence of Col Ehlers he employed Judge Hork and John Millege to defend a freedman named Driver and two others charged with murder. & Asks that they be retained and paid for their services. |

| August 29th 1867 #251 | Georgia C.C. Sibley Aug 20 Retd with letter of revocation enclosed. | Atlanta Ga August 16th Encloses for approval Ex 11 SO 129 C.S. relieving Mr. Jesse Aycock, and requests that his appointment be revoked from August 16th 1867. |

| August 20 1867 #252 | Georgia C.C. Sibley file transfd report to C.Q.M. | Atlanta Ga August 16th 1867 Forwards report of rations issued to refugees and freedmen, Roster of officers and Civilians also report of transportation, for month of July |

| August 19, 1867. #253* | Gudgen, Francis - File See PLB. Vol IV., Aug 21, 1867 - | Washington City August 7, 1867. Applies for a position in the Freedmens Bureau. |

| August 22, '67 #254 | Georgia E.A. Ware, Supt Education EB. Vol III., p. 466 - | Atlanta Aug 198, 1867. States that the incorporation of the university of which he has formerly spoken cannot be had until the next term of Court in October.  Asks if it would be possible to end the building and hold it as Bureau property until the incorporation can be procured. |

| August 23rd 1867 #255 √ * | Griffith, Thos. J., MD., and Kennedy, E.D., Atty at Law.  f/w W53 vol. 14, 1869 See B.#109., G.#186., G.#202., G.#207., G.#220., G.#229., *S.#471., K#92., Notes Filed herewith K184. Vol 10.,  August 24: - Referred to the Chief Medical Officer for remarks - Sept 13th Rec'd back. Filed with K184. Vol 10 | Louisville Ky., August 19, 1867 Make additional statements concerning their charges against Dr. R.A. Bell, AA Surg., and enclose affidavit of Dr. B.R.S. Bormond, with regard to the disposal of the bodies of Refugees and Freedmen for medical purposes.  Enclose a list of burials for months of June 1866 - Aug 1867., & call attention to the fact that but four persons were buried in the months of October, November, and December, and intimate that the bodies were sold. |