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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.  | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 7th 1867 #106 * | Hunt, W. H. file. | Miami. Fla. July 1" 1867. States that if the "One hundred days rations" would have made the propose "Freedmen's Colony" a success at this place Would serve the cause at any time. |

| July 19th 1867 #107 | Henry James W. and others (Colored) July 19th Referred to Asst. Comr. of D.C. | Arlington, Va July 18th 1867. Asks that Capt. E. B. Gates may be kept in charge of Freedmen's Villiage. | 

| July 22nd 1867 #108 | Hewlett H. R. E.B p. 378. Vol 3. | Richmond. July 19th 1867. Requests that Gen'l Brown be directed to pay his salary up to July 15th 1867. the date of his notification from the Bureau Hd. Qurs. as he does not consider the enclosed discharge from Capt T. Mallory. A. A. A. Gen'l. official notification & revocation of his contract. |

| July 22nd 1867 #109 | Harrison Geo. W. July 22d. Referred to Genl E Whittlesey A.A.I. Genl. | Alexandria, Va July 20th 1867 Proposes to sell to the Freedmen's Bureau for issue to destitute 250 bbls. Potomac Herring at $6.00 per bbl. or $10. per 100 &c. | 

| July 19th 1867 #110 * | Harris Saml. L Agent F.S. & T. Co file. | Newbern, N.C. July 16th 1867 In reply to letter of July 12th reports that he has not meddled with the books or papers of Disbursing Officers |

| July 23d 1867. #111 * | Horgest Thos. L. Dept. Coll In. Rev. see C229 J36 T312 filed with C229, Vol 10. | Winchester Va. July 19th 1867. Protests against the removal of Capt. G.R. Chandler from his present duty at that station. |

| July 23d 1867 #112 * | Harlan & Co. Merchants 343 Pa. Ave. file. | Washington July 23d 1867. Recommends Mr Jacob Luskey a discharged Union soldier for some position in the Bureau of Refugees &c. |

| July 26th 1867. #113 * | Harmony J.H. see P.L.B. July 26th 1867 file. | Chambersburg Pa. July 24th 1867. Application for employment in this Bureau. |

| July 27th 1867. $114 * | Hubbard Thos D. see P.L.B. July 27th 1867 file. | Amo, Ind. July 24th 1867. Application for a position in the Bureau. |