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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 30th 1867. #115 * | Hick Francis L. Co. "A." 44th Infty. see L.B. July 30th 1867 file. | Washington July 21" 1867 Applies for a position as orderly  |

| Aug 4th 1867 #116 | Hamilton C.M. 2nd Lieut V.R.C. Aug 5th Forwarded Recommended. | Marianna. Fla. July 20th 1867 Writes in regard to his promotion, & gives a brief history of his services &c. Encloses letters explanatory of a petition in his behalf. |

| Aug 2d 1867 #117 * | Horner C.W.  M.D. file | Philadelphia July 30th 1867 Recommends W.W. Breddy for a position in the Bureau. |

| Aug 9th 1867 #118 | Howard O.H. Aug 9th Returned (thro Asst. Comr of Ga) The appointment within referred to was made for Mr E.A. Ware Aug 7th 1867. | Albany Ga. Aug 8th 1867. States that Col. Sibley informs him that he will approve his application for the position of Supt. of Education. Has started it through the regular channel. | 

| Aug 12th 1867. #119 | Howard Merryman Prest of Board of Trustees. Aug 13th Referred to J.W. Alvord for his information. | Fayette Miss. Aug 2nd 1867. Writes at lenght in reference to his school in Miss. for the season. Encloses copy of an oration delivered by Sidney Rowan one of the scholars. |

| Aug 12th 1867. #120 | Hall T.E. late Capt & A.Q.M. Aug 13th Referred to Asst Comr. of Ky. for such information as he can obtain with reference to this case. Recd back, Aug. 22d E.B. Vol III p. 465 | Worcester, Mass Aug 6th 1867. States that while in charge of the Freedmen's Home, in Camp Nelson, Ky., acting under orders from Genl Palmer, Comdg. Dist. of Ky., he took possession of certain lands, for the use of the Refugees. The land was cultivated & good crops was growing at the time the Gov't. gave it up to its owner, who, as he is informed, promised to take the crops for full payment for the use of the land, & that he did harvest & dispose of ti, & has now brought suit against him (Hall) claiming $15. per acre. Asks if the Gov't. will not interfere in his behalf, &c. |

| Aug 14 1867 #121 | Humaston Mary L Aug 14 Referred to Mr Alvord who will answer this com'n. | Windsor N.Y August 10th Request that Miss P. Sage of Onoguaga NY be informed as to how the Bureau employs teachers &c |

| Aug 10th 1867 #122. * | Hutchinson J B Cash'r Nat Bank of Md. file. Appt made Aug 13th 67 | Washington DC Aug 10th 67 Recommends John Robinson for a position in the Bureau. |

| August 21, 1867 #123 | Hays, Daniel S., Aug 22d Referred to A.C. Ky for remark. Aug 29: Recd back. E.B. Vol III., p. 488. | Hopkinsville, Ky., August 14, 1867. Encloses communication from Miss Lucy R. Hughes, Teacher, and writes in reference to school & school affairs in Kentucky. |

| [[strikethrough]] April 9 1867 | Hathaway, Peggie | [[?]] N.C. April 4, 1867. Requests that her children be sent to her, one being in Savannah Ga., and the other somewhere in West Florida. [[/strikethrough]] |