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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| August 22, 1867. #124 | Hall, S.B. | Yorkville, S.C., August 19, 1867. States that he is desirous of moving West, and would would like to take some laborers with him. There are several freedmen who desire to go with him and asks that transportation be furnished them by the Bureau. Aug. 22d "Referred to the Asst Commr of S.C." - Sept. 3d Rec'd. back with report. E.B. p 496. Vol 3. |

| August 20, 1867 #125 * | Harper, Rev. R.D., file See P.L.B. Vol IV., August 20 1867. | Xenia, O., August 15, 1867 Applies for a position in the Bureau R.F. & A.L. |

| August 23, '67 #126 | Howe A P., - Maj. 4th Art'y., Bvt Maj. Genl U.S.A. August 23d. Forwarded, recommended. See A #437. | Washington City August 23, 1867 | Requests that Privates Barnard Schutlin, Co. E, and Thos Tillman, Co. A, 4th. Artillery, on duty as Clerk and Messenger with the Chief of Artillery, be transferred to duty in the Bureau RF & AL. |

| August 24, 1867 127 | Hammond, Henry - Aug. 24, Referred to the Asst Commr of Va. for report.- | Charleston S.C. August 26 1867. Requests information as to the whereabouts of his son Henry Moses Hammond, who was, when last heard from, (in March 1867) living with James Tallison, Alexandria, Va. |

| August 24, 1867 #128 * | Hammond, D M Bureau Agent. Aug. 24 See LB. Vol III., - File | Fernandina, Fla, August 18. 1867. Gives further reasons why his present pay of $75.00 should be increased, &c |

| Aug 28th 67. #129 * | Hunter R.F. file See L.B. to A.C. of N.C of Aug 28th 1867. | Washington, D.C. Aug 27 '67. Renews his request for a re-investigation of the charges made against him while Agent of the Bureau at Charlotte, N.C. |