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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 14th 1867. #8. * | Interior. Land Office. J.S. Wilson. Comr. see S 453. See L.B. June 17th 1867.  filed. Enclosure returned. June 17th. Official copy referred to the Asst. Comr. of Fla for his information & remarks. July 8th Rec'd back with report filed herewith S 453. Vol. 10 | Washington June 10th 1867. States on receipt of letter from Bureau R.F. & A.L. relating to charges against the Register of US. Land Office at Tallahassee Fla. he wrote to a gentleman conversant with the facts, who replied according to the enclosure. Has just called for a full report from the Officers there, and will advise of the result, request return of the enclosure |

| Aug 11th 1867 #9 | Interior Dept. Genl. Land Offices. J.S. Wilson. Com'r. See E 66. Vol 8, 66. | Washington Aug 8th 1867. In compliance with Genl Ralph Ely's request of Dec 18th 1867. Encloses certified copies of the following township plats in Florida for use in settling colored persons under Homestead Act. 
Township No. 16. S. Range 33. East.
Township No. 17. S. Range 33 & 34. East
Township No. 18. S. Range 33 & 34. East
Township No. 19. S. Range 33 & 34. East
Township No. 20. S. Range 33 & 34. East
Township No. 21. S. Range 33 & 34. East
Township No. 22. S. Range 35 36 & 37. East
Township No. 23. S. Range 35 36 & 37. East
Township No. 24. S. Range 35 36 & 37. East |

| August 26 1867 #10 * | Interior Department of the General Land Office in Jno. S. Wilson Comm'r of the _ See A188 and A189., of Vol 9, 1867. Official copy to the Asst Commr of Ark sent Aug. 27, 1867. File | Washington City August 23, 1867 Acknowledge receipt of W.W. Granger's letters of April 12. 67., referred, approved, by the Commissioner, May 3rd, and, in reply, states 1st that amendments to the Homestead Act are the duty of the U.S. Congress and 2nd that Officers have been appointed for the Washington (Ark.,) Land Office & it will doubtless soon be opened for business. Returns papers referred to. (2 enclosures) |

| August 28, 1867 #11 | Interior Department of the -. Wm Otto, Actg Secty of the -. From War Dep't. EB. Vol III., p 487. | Washington City June 21, 1867 In reply to War Dept. letter of June 6, relative to, furnishing rations to destitute Cherokees, encloses, copy of communications from the Commission of Indian Affairs  [Memo: - The Com. Genl. Subs., under date of June 26th endorsed on wrapper is of opinion that under General Orders No. 37, C.S., A.G.O., the matter seems to pertain to the Bureau of Refugees, &c.,] |
| August 26, 1867 #12 * | Interior Department of the - O H Browning, Secretary: see W376.Vol 11 Official Copy filed. See L.B. Vol III for Aug. 29 1867. see L.B Vol 4 to Sec of War Nov 18th 1867. | Washington City August 14, 1867. In order to comply with the law for compiling, printing and binding the Biennial Register, requests that as much information required to be therein inserted as relates to the War Department, be furnished on, [[strikethrough]] or [[/strikethrough]] as soon as possible after, Sept 30. 1867. |

Transcription Notes:
ditto marks need to be filled with words & not +