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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 1st 1867 #61 | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. See L.B. June 3d 1867. June 3d Returned with appointment, enclosed, as requested. | Louisville Ky. May 28, 1867. Forwards communication of Capt. Y.A. Woodward, A.U.C. recommending the appointment of John T. Feaman as Agent. With recommendation that he be appointed at a salary of $50.00 per month. | 

| June 14 1867 #62 | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. See L.B. June 3d 1867. June 3d, Returned. The within resignation is accepted to take effect, May 31st 1867 | Louisville Ky. May 27th 1867 Forwards communication of J.P. Jolley Agent &c tendering his resignation to take effect June 14 '67. With recommendation that this resignation be accepted. |

| June 14 1867 #63 | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. file. | Louisville Ky May 29th 1867. In reply to "par of Circular Letter of May 15th, reports so far as known there are no officers or agents on duty in the Bureau in state of Kentucky who are intemperate. |

| June 1st 1867 #64 | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. file. | Louisville May 27th 1867 Forwards report of rations of officers in Ky. for month of April 1867. |

| June4 1867 #65 | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. See H. 133 Vol 10. & R 234 Vol 4. E.B. p 255 Vol 3 July 20th Rec'd back with report, E.B. p 27 & vols. July 27th Rec'd back with report E.B. p 398 Vol 3. Feby 21st Rec'd back & see E.B. p 298. Vol 3 | Louisville May 28th 1867 Returns thro Comr. to (2) Nelson & Beverly Nash with Deposit Book No. 532 showing a credit of $113.45 in Freedmen's Savings & Trust Co. in Louisville, requests that he return a receipt for enclosed "Deposit Book" |

| June 4th 1867 #66 | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. See L.B. June 4th 1867. June 4th Returned with appointments, enclosed. | Louisville June 1st 1867 Forwards approved request of John R. Richards for appointment as Agent at a salary of $50.00 per month. |

| June 7th 1867 #67 | Kirby G.E.  E.B. p 266 Vol 3. | Beaufort S.C. States that Mr. Patterson (col'd) formerly of the 33rd U.S.C.I. owes him $140.00 for provisions &c advanced to him. Understands that said Patterson is now in Florida, and is to collect nearly $100.00 bounty and has about another $100.00 pending and requested to be paid this debt out of these moneys. |

| June 10th 1867 #68 | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. Telegram See K 77 Vol 10. E.B. p 278. Vol 3. | Louisville Ky June 10th '67, Requests that Lieut Leo T Burnett A.A.A.G.  B.R.F. & A.L. be retained in his present position [[his services?]] cannot be disposed with. |

| June 12th 1867 #69. * | Kelsey James E.  See P.L.B. June 12th 1867. file. | Stockholm W.Va. June 11th 1867, Applies for an appointment as Agent in the Bureau. |

| June 15th 1867 #70 * | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. See B 143 Vol 10. Appt Nov 1867 June 19th Returned disapproved in view of the contemplated reduction of force in Ky. filed with B 143. | Louisville Ky June 15th 1867, Forwards approved application of W.W. Brown for an appointment as Agent, recommended by Capt. Johnson that be appointed at a salary of $75.00 per month. |