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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 17th 1867 #71 | Kentucky S. Burbank, Genl. June 19th Returned disapproved in view of the contemplated reduction of force in Ky. | Louisville June 12th 67 Forwards approved application of Lt. W. Kohlhass Chief Clerk for S.A.C. for an increase of $25 per month on his present salary of $100 per month. |

| June 17th 1867 #72 | Kendall, Holbrook & Co. Editors &c N.O. Picayune. See K 143 Vol 6 K 262 Vol 8. June 18th Forwarded to the Asst Sec of War. Sept 18th Rec'd back with report E.B. p 548 Vol 3. | New Orleans May 31st 1867 Return their letter of Dec 17th 1866 with the vouchers &c of their a/c for printing done for this Bureau and acceds to Capt. Armstrongs endorsement respecting them, and forwards bills as amended. Cannot furnish specimens of the work done, as they have already forwarded specimens, which have been misplaced, and have no extra copies on hand &c. |      

| June 14th 1867 #73 * | Kentucky S. Burbank, Genl. file. School report to Mr. Alvord. | Louisville June 11th 1867 Forwards reports of Refugees, Freedmens Schools and Changes in Officers & Civilians for May 1867. | 

| June 30th 1867 #74 * | Kentucky John Ely Genl. See K 79 Vol 10. filed herewith K 72. Vol 10. | Louisville June 17th 1867, Acknowledges receipt of 5th inst. in regard to the Surgeon of the Bureau at Paducah, & forwards copies of correspondence of his office preceeding the appointment of Dr. Hassig. Also encloses a copy of letter of Bt. Col. DeWitt, C.M.O. to Bt. Capt. Wm. J. Kay. Will forward Capt. Kay's reply as soon as received. |

| June 20th 1867 #75 | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. E.B. p 296 Vol 3. Rec'd back with report Aug 16. See EB p 448. | Louisville June 18th 1867 Forwards letter of Thos. Kennedy of the A.M.A. requesting Genl. Ely turn over to the A.M.A. W.F.C. 2 buildings in Covington Ky. for the purpose of erecting a school building at Covington Ky. With request that an order be issued turning over these buildings as requested. |

| June 20th 1867 #76 | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. file. | Louisville June 17th 1867 Forwards report of operations for the month of May 1867. |

| June 19th 1867 #77 * | Kentucky John Ely, Genl. Telegram. See K 68 Vol 10. filed. Ans'd by telegram See L.B. June 20th 1867. | Louisville June 10th 1867 Desires to know if orders have been issued retaining Lieut Burnett at the office of the Asst. Comr. |

| June 1867 # 78 | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. file. | Louisville June 1867 Forwards Roster of Officers & Civilians employed in his District. |

| June 28th 1867 #79 * | Kentucky S. Burbank. Genl. See K 74. Vol 10. filed with K 74 Vol 10. | Louisville Ky June 16th 1867 Forwards answer of Capt. W. Kay  to letter of Bt. Col. DeWitt & says that Dr. Hassig's character as far as he has been able to learn is beyond reproach; that he is & has always been loyal & says the same of Dr. Best Knows of no reason to recommend any change, &c. &c. |