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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 5th 1867 #88. | Kentucky S. Burbank, Genl. See M 312. See L.B. Aug 6th 1867 Aug 6th Returned with appointment enclosed as requested. | Louisville. Ky. July 31" 1867. Forwards letter of H. C. Howard Agent &c. requesting that his salary be increased to $175.00 per month. With recommendation that the salary of H. C. Howard be increased to $150.00 per month. |

| Aug 5th 1867 #89. | Kentucky S. Burbank Gen'l. Aug 1st Referred to Genl Geo W. Balloch C.D.O. for remarks. Aug 10th Recd. back with report. e.B. p 230. vol 3. | Louisville July 31" 1867. Forwards letter of E.M. Cravath, stating that the Am. M. Association & Western Freedmen Aid Com'n. have purchased a building lot in Louisville at a cost of $5000.00, they are compelled by City ordinance to build of brick, & the building will accommodate 500 pupils. The estimated cost of the building exceeds the sum already appropriated by six thousand dollars, & the condition of their Treasury is such that they cannot assume more than the cost of land. therefore requests an additional appropriation. With recommendation that $6000.00 be appropriated from the school fund of 1867 as requested. $6000.00 has been appropriated from the school fund for 1866 & is now on hand. |

| Aug 5th 1867 #90. | Kentucky S. Burbank Genl. Aug 5th Referred to Genl. H.M. Whittelsey C.Q.M. | Louisville Ky. July 31" 1867. Forwards for action letter of Chap. Noble Supt of Schools inclosing vouchers in favor of Wm Gilchrist Teacher for actual cost of transportation from Louisville to Hardenson Ky. am'ting to $6.50 | 

| Aug 5th 1867 #91 | Kentucky S. Burbank Genl. Aug 5th Referred to Hon. Schuyler Colfax Speaker of House of Representatives, U.S. | Louisville Ky July 30th 1867. Forwards to Hon Schuyler Colfax, Speaker of House of Rep. letter of A.W. Lawwill Agent &c. forwarding position of Colored people of Owensboro, Ky. in regard to the taxes levied on them by the state of Ky. Says they are charged $4. taxes while the whites are only charged $2. & under the same head. they also complain of the power of the school trustees to have or not to have public free school for colored children. |

| Aug 7th 1867 #92 * | Kentucky S. Burbank Genl. f/w W53 vol. 14, 1869 | Louisville Ky. Aug 3d 1867. Forwards letter of A.A. Surgeons, R.A. Bell, John A. Ockerlong and Wm Forrester, enclosing recommendations of prominent Union men as to disloyalty, integrity of character. With remark, The gentlemen who have signed the enclosed recommendations are the prominent reliable & substantial Union Citizens of that City or state. |

| Aug 8th 1867 #93. | Kentucky S. Burbank Genl. see L.B Aug 8th 1867. Aug 8th Returned with appointment enclosed as requested. | Louisville Aug 6th 1867. Requests that Mr. F.W. Fariss be appointed Clerk at a salary of $90 per mo from Aug 6th 1867. |

| Aug 7th 1867 #94 | Kentucky S. Burbank Genl. file. | Louisville, Aug 6th 1867. Forwards roster of Officers & Civilians on duty in Ky. during July 1867. |