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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 10th 1867 #95 | Kennedy Peter. (colored) Aug 10" Returned. If Capt Bradley was a U.S. Quartermaster, you had better send a statement of the case to the Qr. Mr. Genl. U.S.A. | New Berne N.C. Aug 8th 1867. States that he was for 23 months working for the Qr. Mr. Dept that Capt. Bradley, then Q.M., promised him a of $15. per month and requests information how to proceed to recover what is due him. |

| Aug 10th 1867 #96 | Kirlin E.A. | Savannah Ga. Aug 10th 1867. Encloses copy of communication from Lieut Col. C.A. Reynolds, in referring to a tract of land in which he (Kirlin) has an interest and which he proposes to sell to the Govt. for a National Cemetery. Gives description, location &c of the land, and requests Genl Howard to assist him in making the sale. |

| August 15th 67 #97. * | Kentucky S Burbank Asst Comr file. | Louisville Ky August 13th Acknowledges receipt of the Comrs letter of 8th inst and in reply states that the person referred to as having been killed is ex-Maj. Jas H Bridgewater late of Ky Vols who was assasinated July 18th at Stanford Ky. Encloses copies of letters from Lewis Landrum Esq Agent &c |

| Aug 15th 1867 #98. | Kentucky S Burbank. Aug 15. Ford to Adjt Genl U.S.A The recommendations contained in endorsement of Genl Burbank are approved. O.O.H. | Louisville Ky Aug 13th Forwards request of Lt W R Bourne 42 Infty that he be relieved from duty in the Bureau and ordered to his regiment. Approves the request provided a competent officer is ordered to replace him  Recommends 2d Lt W P Hogarty 45th U.S. Infantry. |

| August 17th 67 #99 * | Kentucky S Burbank filed. | Louisville Ky Aug 13th Transmits Reports for month of July - viz. Refugees and Freedmen Abandoned and Confiscated Property (To Maj Fowler.) Rations issued Schools |

| Aug 17th 1867 #100. | Kentucky S Burbank Retd to Asst Comr of Ky with appointment enclosed. | Louisville Ky Aug 14 1867 Forwards approved request of Thos W Hardiman Agent &c that his pay be increased from $40 to $60 per month. |
| Aug 15th 1867 #101 * | Kentucky S Burbank (duplicate) filed | Louisville Ky Aug 13th Telegram - How much money has been appropriated for schools in Kentucky. |

| August 19th 67 #102 | Kentucky S Burbank filed | Louisville Ky Aug 13th 67 Report of operations for month of July. |

| August 20 67 #103. | Kirkman J.T. 1st Lt 26 U.S.I. EB. 458. | Galveston Texas Aug 5th 67 Applies for an appointment as Captain. Highly endorsed by Genl Griffin |

| August 24. 1867 #184 * | Kentucky, S. Burbank, BBG., & Asst Commissioner. See G255. Vol 10. f/w W53 vol. 14, 1869 spector on this subject File. Also all papers enclosed in G255. Vol 10 filed herewith. | Louisville August 21, 1867. Returns Commissioners letter of July 26th, ordering an investigation and report of the charges of Dr. T.I. Griffiths against A.A. Surg R.A. Bell, enclosing the report of Maj. B.P. Runkle, Bureau In. |