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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 24th 1867 #127 * | Long, A.R. Agent &c. See P.L.B. June 24th 1867. file. | Philadelphia June 22d 1867. He received notice of his appointment & request permission to delay reporting for 5 or 6 days in order to attend to some private business. |

| June 27th 1867 #128. * | Louisiana J.A. Mower Genl. see L #104, 185, 112. N108, S355, T186 119, B113. order file with order file. file. | New Orleans June 22d 1867 Forwards copy of orders revoking previous orders in relation to Dr. E.G. Harris Surg in Chief of La. |

| June 27th 1867 #129 | Louisiana J.A. Mower Genl. To Mr Alvord | New Orleans June 21" 1867 Forwards reports of Schools in La. for the month of May 1867 |

| June 27th 1867 #130 * | Lee S.P. Capt. & S.A.C. See M 165. & L 136. Vol 11. See A 50 Vol 11. file. | Alexandria, Va. June 26th 1867 In reply to the letter of the 23d inst. respecting the proposed colored school of Hillsboro, states that the matter was referred to Capt S.B. Smith on the 19th inst for report &c which has not yet been received. |

| June 27th 1867 #131 | Louisiana J.A. Mower Genl. see L.B. June 28th 1867. June 28th Returned with appointment enclosed as requested. | New Orleans June 21" 1867 Recommends appointment of Theodore Renshaw as a clerk at a salary of $100.00 per month from June 17th 1867. |

| June 24th 1867. #132. * | Long, S.C. Secy. &c. file. Transp'n. furnished in Person. June 26th 1867. | Oxford, Pa. June 20th 1867 Requests transportation for certain students [[?]] of Lincoln University, to go south as teachers of freedmen. |

| June 24th 1867 #133 * | Langston J.M. file | Elyria, Ohio June 21" 1867 States that the case of the State of Ohio, on behalf of the Trustees of Russia Township v.s. John Cook, Agt of Freedmen's Bureau was decided in the Justice Court against cook & has been regularly appealed to the Common Pleas Court November term 1867. |

| June 29th 1867 #134 | Louisiana J.A. Mower Genl. July 1st Returned to the Asst. Comr. of La., The Comr. has decided to employ no more paid Agents in La., at present. | New Orleans June 24th 1867 Recommends Mr. Geo. A. Dunford for an appointment as an Agent at a salary of $100.00 per month to date June 21st 1867. |

| July 1" 1867 #135 * | Louisiana J.A. Mower Genl. see L.B. July 3d 1867. file. | New Orleans June 26th 1867 Returns appointment of John Nelsboro Agent with the recommendation that the same be revoked, he having declined the same to date May 31" 1867, & that Mr C.F. Hall be appointed Agent with a salary of $75.00 per month to date June 1" 1867. |

| July 1st 1867 #136 * | Lee S.P. Capt. & SAC. see L #130 vol 10. see A581. Vol 11. file | Alexandria June 29th 1867. Returns letter of June 25th, relative to the school house at Hillsboro. With report that Capt Smith recommends an appropriation of $200. for the school house, & has forwarded the same to Genl Brown recommends that the am't may be furnished to complete the school house at Hillsboro Va. |