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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.  |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 27th 1867 #164. | Louisiana J.A. Mower Gen'l. July 29th Referred to Genl. Geo. W. Balloch. C.D.O, for remarks. July 31st 1867. Rec'd. back with report E.B. p. 401. Vol. 3. | New Orleans July 23d 1867 Forwards vouchers in favor of A.M. Heyman for board 2 prisoners for Lt DeGress from May 7th to May 1867, inclusive at $1 per meal each (am't. $18.00) With recommendation that the vouchers be approved. |

| July 27th 1867. #165. | Louisiana J.A. Mower. Gen'l. E.B p 397. Vol 3. | New Orleans July 20th 1867. Forwards letter of C.J. Lorigan. Civil Engr. Q.M. Dept. gives estimate number of reinterments yet to be made in "Monument Cemetery Chalmette and report deficiency of space for same. Suggests that all bodies of citizen, contrabands (to the number of 3979) now buried in Monument Cemetery be removed and reinterred in the adjoining Cemetery in charge of the Freedmen's Bureau, in order to remedy the want of space. Endorsed by Capt W.B. Armstrong reporting "that the probable cost of disintering the bodies of Freedmen & Refugees buried in the Monument Cemetery & reintering them in the Freedmen's Cemetery would be two dollars each where no new coffins are required. In cases where new coffins were required, the cost would be three dollars in addition" With remark Capt. Armstrong also stated verbally that the bodies of freedmen & refugees had been buried at a depth of 4½ to 5 feet deep & that it would be the better plan & by far the most economical to place the bodies of the soldiers above them. This plan is not recommended but only mentioned for information of the Com'r. requests instructions in the matter. |

| July 29th #166 | Louisiana J.A. Mower, Genl. see E37 L104, 103, 112 128, 148 170 179 July 29th Referred to Surg. L.A. Edwards. C.M.O. who will please to annull the contract of Dr Harris. Aug 6th Recd. back with report. E.B. p 416 Vol 3. | New Orleans July 31" 1867 Recommends that the appointment of E.H. Harris M.D., Surg. in Chief for La., be revoked to date. July 31" 1867 & that Dr J.B. White, be appointed to the vacancy thus made. |

| July 27th 1867 #167 | Louisiana J.A. Mower, Genl. see L.B. July 27th 1867. July 27th Returned with letter revoking the appointment enclosed. | New Orleans July 20th 1867. Recommends that the appointment of D.T. Riley Clerk be revoked to date July 31st 1867. |

| July 29th 1867 #168 | Louisiana J.A. Mower, Genl. E.B p 398 Vol 3 | New Orleans July 20th 1867. Returns letter of G.R. Rockfeller of New Orleans forwarding for payment vouchers of A. Delage for services as tax agent for Terrebonne Par. for month of Aug. 1865, amounting to $97.50/100  Endorsed by Capt Armstrong reporting that "there is no records in this Bureau to show that this service ever was rendered, never having been reported by any officer. The vouchers are incomplete." With remark, "The records of the Pro Mar Genls Dept of this Bureau which had the collection of this tax under its control, do not show any evidence that the service mentioned within were rendered" |

| July 29th 1867 #169 | Louisiana J.A. Mower, Genl. see L.B. July 29th & 30th 1867. file file. Original returned to Genl. Mower with letter of July 29th 1867. see L.B. of that date, also to A.G.O. July 30th 1867. Duplicate file. Aug 13th Rec'd. back with report & additional statements. | New Orleans July 24th 1867. Forwards letter of Lieut. J.C. DeGress A.A.I.G., reporting that Capt. W.B. Armstrong A.Q.M. & D.O. of the Bureau in La. has been engaged since Jan. 66, in planting cotton, contrary to the provisions of Bureau Circular #4, series of 1866, & has been guilty of deficient issues of forage & corn meal, &c; also a letter of Capt. W.B. Armstrong A.Q.M. &c., explaining his connection with the matter. States that Bt. Lieut Col. A.P. Ketchum, A.A.I. Gen'l., is of the opinion that there are extenuating circumstances enough to allow the Captain's being retained in his present position. Does not agree with Col. Ketchum in his tenderness for Captain Armstong's character, & believes that the reputation of the Bureau is much more important; cannot consistently dismiss an Agent for disobedience of orders while permitting a number of his personal staff to violate directions; recommends that this officer be relieved and ordered to some other state for duty file. Original ordered to Genl. Mower with 6th of July 29th 1867 see L.B. of that date & also to A.G.O. July 29th 1867. Duplicate file. Aug 13th Recd back with a part & additional statesmen.|