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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 27th 1867 #170 * | Louisiana J. A. Mower. Gen'l. see L. 104. 105. 128. 140. 166. July 30th Referred to Surg L.A. Edwards. C.M.O., for perusal. Sept 13th Rec'd. back. file. | New. Orleans. July 24th 1867. Forwards copy of report of Board appointed to investigate the conduct of E. H. Harris MD., Surg. in Chief B.RFAL., & other papers relating thereto. |

| July 29th 1867. #171 | Langston J.M. Inspector of School July 29th Referred to J.W. Alvord | Columbia Miss. July 25th 1867 Report of an Inspection of that place. |

| July 31st 1867 #172 * | Louisiana J. A. Mower. Genl. See Ml194 Vol 10 & M60 Vol 12. filed herewith M194 Vol 10. Filed with L.97. Vol 12/68. | New Orleans July 25th 1867 Statement respecting the claim of J.W. Medbury of Bayou Sara, La. Medbury leased the "Beauchamp" & "Horne" plantations near Bayou Sara, for cotton planting agreeing to furnish the freedmen without fit, subsistence, &c, & to have 1/3 the proceeds, the owner 1/3, & the freedmen 1/3. A. Lartigue was employed to supervise the working of the "Beauchamp" & finnally purchased the owners interest in the crop. when the season was nearly over, a dispute between Medbury & Lartigue but was adjusted.  The freedmen on the "Beauchamp" seem to have obtained supplies from one Chas. Wilcox merchant of Bayou Sara, giving him a lien on their crop.  During the dispute between Medbury & Lartigue one of the freedmen complained of the matter to the Bureau Agent at Bayou Sara Lieut. H. M. Massie, who seized about 20 bales of cotton off the "Beauchamp" & according to the statement of H. S. Weldon ("Enclosure A") ordered six bales to be handed over to Lartigue, 7 bales to be shipped to Daniels & Heath New Orleans in favor of Medbury & the other 7 bales to be shipped in his own favor to E. Heath, New Orleans. This last 7 were undoubtly the freedmen's share of the crop: to circumvent Massie, it became necessary to seize them which was done.  Mr Wilcox sold out his claim on the cotton of the negroes to Daniels & Heath & they & Medbury both attempted to get possession of it as they both possessed liens on it, for supplies furnished. The "Beauchamp" freedman filed certificates (Encls "B" & "C") that they owed Wilcox & desired their cotton to go towards paying his claim (bought by Daniels), & Mr Daniels filed a bond (Encl "D") to confirm the freedmen in their rights so that the Asst Com'r. released the cotton to him (Encl "E")  The question as to which party has the prior claim or lien on the freedmens cotton is a question for the courts to decide. |

| July 31st 1867 #173 | Louisiana J. A, Mower. Gen'l. See L. B July 31st 1867 July 31st Returned with appointment & letter of revocation enclosed as requested. | New Orleans July 25th 1867 Forwards letter of Lt. J Hamilton reporting irregular proceedings of Wm M. Todd Agent & recommends that his appointment be revoked to date July 31st 1867, that E. J. Sullivan Clerk be appointed Agent at $100.00 per mo. from Aug 1" 67 & that O.H. Beebe be appointed Clerk at a salary of $70.00 per month from Aug 1" 1867. |

| July 31st 1867. #174 | Louisiana J.A. Mower Genl. see L.B. July 31st 1867 July 31st. Returned, with appointment as requested enclosed. | New Orleans July 26th 1867. Recommends that E.O. Parker, be appointed a Clerk at a salary of $100.00 per mo. |

| July 31st 1867 #175 | Langston J.M. Insptor of Schools. July 31". Referred to J.W. Alvord. Genl Supt of schools. | Arberdeen, Miss. July 23d 1867. Report of an inspection of Schools at that place. |

| Aug 2d 1867 #176 | Langston J.M. Inspector of Schools Aug 2d Referred to J.W. Alvord Supt of Ed. | Huntsville Ala. July 20th 1867 Submits a communication addressed to him by certain Freedmen of Artesia, Miss., in regard to their school interest. |

| Aug 2d 1867 #177 | Langston J.M. Inspector of Schools. Aug 2d Referred to J.W. Alvord. Genl. Supt. of Ed. | Huntsville, Ala. July 30th 1867. Reports condition of the Freedmen thereabouts. |

Transcription Notes:
empty cells are transcribed with just 3 blanks, not | --- | Rearrange. Group content by column within each entry. Use #175 as a model.