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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.|
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 3d 1867 #183 | Maryland. E.M. Gregory Genl See M184 Vol 10. E.B. p 331. Vol 3. | Baltimore July 1st 1867. S.O.22. Par. I appointing Rev. B.B. Tanner Ag't of the Bureau at a salary of $100 per month. | 

| July 5th 1867 #184 | Maryland. E.M. Gregory Genl. See M #183. Vol 10. Appointed. See L.B. July 12th 1867. E.B. p 337. Vol 3 July 12th. Rec'd back with report. E.B. p 355 Vol 3. | Baltimore July 2d 1867. Requests appointment of Rev B.B. Tanner as Agent for Educational purposes for the months of July & August at a salary of $100 per month. | 

| July 2nd 1867 #185. * | Mississippi A.C. Gillem Genl. See M #178 Vol 10. file with M178. Vol 10. | Vicksburg June 24th 1867 Forwards petition of N.J. Webb W.G. Vaughan & others for the retention of Lieut E.B. Rossiter on duty at Oxford Miss. | 
| July 2d 1867 #186 * | Mississippi A.C. Gillem. Genl. See M #178 Vol 10 file with M #178. Vol 10. | Vicksburg June 23rd 1867 Forwards statement of Alex Philips in regard to the conduct of Lieut Rossiter of Oxford & concerning a petition which will be sent for the retention of this Officer. |

| July 8th 1867 #187. | Murtagh A.B. Agent B.R.F. &c. | Abbeville. La. July 2d 1867 Reports station duty and condition of affairs during month of June 1867. |

| July 9th 1867. #188. * | McBride Jas D. file July 10th Returned with information that the address of W.W. Berry is at Goodman. Miss. | Washington July 6th 1867 Inquires the present address of H.W. Berry late Col & Bvt Major General U.S.V. | 

| July 10th 1867 #189 * | Maynardier Wm Col & Bt. Brig. Genl See C233. Vol 10. See Private L.B. July 11th 1867. file. Official copy furnished Genl Maynardier. Sept 17th 1867 C233 Vol 10 filed herewith. | Washington July 9th 1867 Referring to Genl Howard's note respecting the child of Laura Hughes (col'd) states that said Laura Hughes is a well known & respectable colored woman who adopted & well treated the child; that the child disappeared one day & was heard from in Connecticut where she had been sent by an Employment Agent of the Freedmen's Bureau. that application for his return was made some days ago; that, the threats reported may be fairly set off by previous kind treatment of the child &c &c. |

| July 3d #190 | Maryland E.M. Gregory Genl. file. | Baltimore July 2d 1867. Forwards roster of Officers & Clerk on duty in his District July 1st 1867. |

| July 12th 1867 #191 | Maryland E.M. Gregory Genl. file. School report to Mr. Alvord. | Baltimore Md. July 10th 1867. Forwards Report of Refugees. Freedmen. Schools. Changes in  roster of Officers for the month of June 1867. |

| July 13th 1867 #192. * | Mississippi A.C. Gillem Genl file. | Vicksburg June 15th 1867 Reports condition of Bureau affairs for May 1867. |