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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 
| June 24th 1867. #116 | North Carolina J.F. Chur A.A.A.G. To Mr Alvord | Raleigh June 21" 1867  Forwards Report of schools for the month of May 1867 | 

| June 27th 1867. #117 * | North Carolina N.A. Miles Genl file. | Raleigh June 23d 1867. Reports of Bureau officers for the month of May 1867. | 

| June 27th 1867. #118 * | North Carolina N.A. Miles Genl. | Raleigh June 23d 1867. Returns letter of J.W. Alvord Genl. Supt of Ed asking that Mr S.S. Ashley be appointed Asst. Supt. of Schools to be located at Washigton if such is thought advisable. With remark. |
[[note]] It is not considered necessary to have more than one Asst. Supt. for Education. Application has been made for the assignment of Chaplain Pepper 40th Infty to duty in the Bureau, with a view to have him appointed to that position. If the application is not granted, Mr Ashley could be appointed. file. [[/note]]

| June 29th 1867 #119. | North Carolina N.A. Miles, Genl. | Raleigh June 27th 1867. States that he has appointed Wm McFarland an Agent at a salary of $125.00 per month & request that an appointment may be issued. | 
[[note]] See N #122 Vol 10 See N #123 Vol 10  July 1st Returned with appointment requested enclosed. The Com'r has decided to appoint no more paid Agents in N.C. at present. [[/note]]


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |
| July 3d 1867 #120 | North Carolina N.A. Miles, Gen. | Raleigh June 26th 1867 Has appointed W.F. Henderson Esq. as Agent at salary of $125.00 per month under authority granted May 17th from [[?]] | 
[[note]] See L.B. July 5th 1867 July 5th Returned with appointment enclosed as requested. [[/note]]

| July 5th 1867 #121. | North Carolina N.A. Miles, Genl. file. | Raliegh July 1" 1867 Forwards Roster of Officers & Civilians for the month of June 1867. | 

| July 5th 1867 #122 * | North Carolina N.A. Miles, Gen'l. | Raleigh June 2" 1867. Urges that the decision contained in order [[?]] of 2" inst on letters relating to the appointment of Wm McFarland Agent of the Bureau be suspended, until the vacancies shown in the within Circular are filled. Refers to the communication from the Commissioner of May 17th 1867, approving his plan for reorganization of the Bureau in N.C. | 
[[note]] See N 98. Vol 9. & N 119  See L.R. July 5" 1867. file [[/note]]

| June 10th 1867 #123. | North Carolina N.A. Miles Gen'l. | Raleigh N.C. July 6th 1867. Referring to endorsement of the 1st inst. relative to the appointment of Wm McFarland an Agent of the Bureau states that the letter of appointment, was not enclosed as set forth. Neither has it been received through other sources. |
[[note]] See N 119. see L.R. July 10th 1867. July 10th, Returned with appointment enclosed. It was omitted from previous papers by mistake. [[/note]]

| July 9th 1867 #124 | North Carolina N.A. Miles, Gen'l. file. | Raleigh July 3rd 1867. Forwards roster of Officers & Civilians on duty in his Dist July 1st 1867. |