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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| July 27th 1867 #134. | North Carolina J.F. Chur, A.A.A.G. See P.L.B. July 27th 1867 July 27th Approved & referred to C.Q.M. for his information. The A.C. of N.C., has been informed of the referral. | Raleigh July 25th 1867. Forwards approved by the Asst Comr report of a Board convened to establish  the rental value of the building used as Hd. Qrs of the Asst Comr in Raleigh. Rent $66 67/100 per month. | 

| July 27th 1867 #135 | Navy Dept. Mr. Smith Ch Eq. & Rec Bureau | Washington July 26th 1867. Returns the letter of the 11th inst requesting information relative to Geo A. Fitzgerald. Officer Steward last heard from on the U.S.S. Eutaw and states that he is informed by the 1st Auditor of the Treasury Dept., that a man named Geo Fitzgerald is reported on the on the rolls of the "Eutaw" as having deserted April 10th 1865. & leaving a balance due the U.S. of $37.60 |

| July 29th 1867. #136 | North Carolina J. F. Chur. A.A.A.G. See L. B. July 30th 1867, July 30th Returned with appointments enclosed as requested. | Raleigh July 26th Recommends that Mr. Rudolph Ebecke be appointed a clerk at a salary of $100.00 per month from the 24th inst. |

| July 29th 1867. #137 | North Carolina J. F. Chur. A.A.A.G. file. | Raleigh July 26th 1867. Inquires as to the present status of Bt. Lt. Col Thos P. Johnson. Capt. & A.Q.M. U.S. Vols. C.Q.M. & D.O. of this Bureau for N.C. as that officer has a large amount of important unfinished business on hand and has received orders mustering him out of the service. Recommends his retention. |

| July 29th 1867. #138. | North Carolina J. F. Chur. A.A.A.G. See L. B. July 29th 1867. July 29th Returned, with letters of revocation and appointment enclosed as requested. | Raleigh July 26th 1867. Forwards for revocation appointment of J.E. [[Fillger?]]. Clerk erroneously reported, requests that R.E. Potts be appointed at a salary of $100.00 per mo. to date from June 1st 1867. Also returns for revocation the appointment of E. W. Northam temporarily appt & discharged July 1st 1867. | 

| July 29th 1867. #139 | North Carolina J. F. Chur. A.A.A. Gen'l. See L. B. July 11th 1867. & M 20. S 468. P 4. Vol 12. E. B. p 405 Vol 3. Recd back Aug 17th enclosing copies of comns on the subject. EB page 449. | Raleigh. July 27th 1867 Returns letter of the 18th inst. directing that some action be taken in regard to the property at Lincolnton claimed by Mr. Childs, who alleges that it was restored to him by order of Gen'l. Ruger in 1866. Also, that Lt McAlpin has been directed to postpone the sale until further orders. Calling attention to an extract from report of Capt Thos. P. Johnson dated Oct 4th 1866 in relation to this property, no orders have been issued from Hd. Qrs. of A.C. of N.C., for the restoration of this property. The order of Genl Ruger must have been in the capacity of Military Commander, if so, is recorded in the record of the Dept of N.C. which are now in the Adjt. Genl's Office, Washington D.C. |

| July 29th 1867. #140 * | North Carolina, J. F. Chur. A.A.A.G. See L. B. July 27 & PLB July 27, 1867. file. | Raleigh July 24th 1867. Reports that F. A. Fiske has acted as Supt of Education in N.C. since July 1865., his present salary is $150.00 per month. |   

Transcription Notes:
U.S.S. Eutaw D.O. = Disbursing Officer