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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 8th 1867 #14 * | Ordnance Dept. A.B. Dyer Maj. Genl. C. of O. See C #123, Vol 9 June 10th Referred to Asst. Comr. for his information & for remarks. June 14th Recd back with report. filed. Ansd. by letter. June 27th 67 will take what we want as above. | Washington June 7th 1867.  In reply to letter of Asst. Comr. of D.C. of May 30th 1867 requesting the sale of bricks in the Rolling Mills at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. States that brick has been sold therefrom at $2.00 per M., purchaser to take them down and pile the same for counting, and that if any are desired on the same terms Capt. Young Ordnance Store Keeper will be instructed accordingly. |

| June 13th 1867 #15 | Owen & Wilson Claim Agents. See O 19  June 13th. Returned and attention invited to endorsement of Maj. Wm Fowler hereon. | Washington June 10th 1867 Desires to know if there is a claim in file in the Bureau in favor of Mr. E.A. McMillan of Memphis Tenn. for furniture &c taken from the Charleston Rebels amounting to $5000 by order of Genl Buckler and endorsed by Maj Wm Fowler stating that no claim of this character is in file in this Bureau. |

| June 15th 1867 #16 * | Owen F.K. Chief Clerk B.R.F. &c.  Extended. see L.B. June 17th 1867. file. | Fort Jefferson June 12th 1867. Requests a further leave of absence of one week from date. |

| June 26th 1867 #17 | Ordnance Dept. of A.B. Dyer Maj. Genl. & C of O. see O 33 Vol 11. E.B p 314. Vol 3. | Washington June 20th 1867 Refers letter of Col C.C. Sibley Asst. Comr. of Ga. to the Ordnance Dept at Augusta Ga. requesting the transfer to said Bureau of the Confederate property held by said officer in that State. |  Remarks that all of said property save of what is known as the "New laboratory" and "New Armory" is at the disposal of this Bureau. |

| July 16th 1867. #18 | O.Neill John O. Capt. V.R.C. & A.A.A.G. July 16th. Referred to Assst. Comr. of Va. | Abingdon Va. July 12th 18667. Desires the attention of Congress called to the praiseworthy conduct of John W. Johnson in South Western Va., thinks by his action. since the war, he deserves to be reinstated , as regards to his civil rights. (said Johnson be disfranchized by reconstruction laws) |

| July 20th 1867 #19 | Owen & Wilson  Attorneys at Law  see O 11 Vol 10 July 20th Returned. It is not known for what reason this communication & enclosure is sent to this office. | Washington July 19th 1867. Forwards copy of order from Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist of Memphis, dated Nov 30th 1864, placing the building and furniture of the "Charleston Hotel" at Memphis Tenn. in the hands of the Trustees of the Memphis Colored Orphan Asylum. |

| July 16th 1867  #20 * | O Neill Charles  M.O. see PLB July 20" 1867 & Aug 14 1867. July 22d Referred to A.C. of S.C. to know if he can employ this applicant. Aug 1st Recd back with report. file. | Washington  July 16th 1867  Recommends Jas F. Anderson for a position of some kind in S.C. |

| July 26th 1867 #21 | Osborne J.J. July 2nd Referred to Genl. Geo W. Balloch. C.D.O. for remarks. July 31st Rec'd back with report. EB p 402 Vol 3. | Mobile Ala. July 13th 1867.  States that Feby. 3d 1867, he bought a flat boat from Capt. Thos. J Kerr of the Freedmens Bureau for $637.50; that he has been sued by a claimant of the boat before the Civil Courts, and has lost his case & the boat. Requests that the money paid by him to the Freedmen's Bureau be refunded. Endorsed by Genl W. Swayne asking for authority to reimbursed Mr Osborn for the amount paid by him to the Bureau for the purchase of this flat boat. |