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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 3rd 1867 #53. | Pepper, Geo W. Chaplain 40th Infty. See W 111. Vol 10. June 7th. Referred to Asst. Comr. of N.C. for his consideration, and such action as he may deem proper. | Raleigh N.C. June 1st 67. States that his regiment is scattered over two states, making it very difficult for him to reach it & desires to be engaged in some useful service & requests to be detailed for duty in this Bureau. |

| June 10th 1867 #54. | President of U.S. Andrew Johnson See G 209 Vol 10. see LB June 11th 1867. | Washington June 10th 1867 Refers application of certain persons in Raleigh N.C. for aid in constructing a school building for the "Andrew Johnson Colored School" of that place & directs that the most liberal aid that can be legally extended be afforded said institution. Application states that at least $2500.00 will be necessary for the purpose above mention. | 

| June 18th 1867 #55. * | Packard S.B. See H 81 Vol 10. H 81 filed herewith. EB p 274 Vol 3. June 20th Rec'd back with report. file. | New Orleans June 5th 1867 Requests that he be appointed to a position similar to that occupied by Mr. St. Clare Mandeville & states that this position gives said person an immense advantage in the Claims business. |

| June 17th 1867 #56 | Perkins J. McClary See P 58. Vol 11. June 17th Referred to the Asst. Comr. of D.C. June 24th Rec'd back with report EB p 358. Vol 3. | Washington June 17th 67, States that on Jany 26th 1867, Major J.M. Brown, forcibly took from him a Mahogany Table, his own private property valued at $75.00. Requests that said table be returned to him at #9 Law Building 5th Street. |

| June 24th 1867 #57. * | Park Mary June 24th Referred to Asst. Comr. of Md. March 28" 1868. Rec'd back. file. | Baltimore Md. June [[?]] 1867, States that Mrs. Caroline Lane of Berlin from her retain her three children bound to Mrs. Lane. That she has never received the promised money & that her children are badly treated. Requests that they be returned to her. |

| June 27th 1867. #58. * | Perkins J. McClary Atty at Law See P. 56. Vol 10. file. | Washington June26th 1867 Referring to previous letters of the 17th inst, denies the facts of Major Brown's endorsement thereon, and offers to prove that the table therein referred was not the property of the Bureau but was his. |

| July 2d 1867 #59 | Pres't. Episc'l. Freedmen Com'n. J. Brinton Smith. July 2d Referred to Genl Geo W. Balloch C.C.S. | New York July 1" 1867 Forwards receipts for money paid by the Commission to Rev E.M. Forbes for school house at Newbern, advanced upon promise of the Com'r. to refund the same. |

| July 6th 1867 #60 | Pres't. Epsc'l. Freedmen Com'n. J. Brinton Smith. | New York July 2" 1867 Makes report of condition of schools in obedience to S.O. #74. |

| July 10th 1867 #61 | Post Office. S.J. Bowen P.M. E.B. p 349 Vol. 3 | Washington July 9" 1867 States that the mail from the Bureau arrives at the Post Office too late for dispatch the same day. The Dept. Mails should arrive before five oclock if possible. |