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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 15th 1867 #48. | Q.M.G. Office D.H. Rucker Genl. See V 23. Vol 10 See Q 60. Vol 11. July 16th Referred to Asst Comr of Va. The paper referred to within were forwarded from the office of A.C. of Va. July 3d 67. | Washington July 13th 1867. Referring to the claim of Daniel Shepherd (cold) for services rendered in the Burial Corps  States that it will be necessary before said claim can be properly examined, that said a/c be properly certified & approved as regulations require. |

| July 18th 1867 #49. | Q.M.G. Office Chas Thomas. Genl. July 19th. Referred to Genl H M Whittlesey C.Q.M. | Washington July 17th 1867. Encloses for approval vouchers of a sale of Q.M. property by major T. Moore Q.M. to Bt. Maj. Geo. W Marshall C.Q.M. B.R.F. &c Tenn., amounting to $80.25/100 and requests that Maj. Marshall be directed to pay Maj. Moore said amount. |

| July 20th 1867 #50 | Q.M. Genls. Office, Chas. Thomas Genl. | Washington July 19" 1867 In reply to letter of the 16th inst. requesting the Q.M. Dept. to designate an officer to receive & receipt for stores &c at Alexandria & Winchester Va., states that Bt. Brig Genl. C.A. Tompkins, DQM, in this City has been so instructed, &c. |

| Aug 12th 1867 #51 | Q.M. Genl's. Office Chas. Thomas Gen'l. Aug 14th '67. Referred to Chief Q.M. for examination and remark. Recd back Aug 16th with report EB p 446. | Washington Aug 12th 1867 Encloses four vouchers in duplicate for Q. Mr's. property sold to the Bureau by Maj. M.J. Ludington, Ch. Qr. Mr. Dept of Washington with receipts attached. Requests the Comr's. approval of the sales, and an order for the payment of the amounts to Major Ludington. |

| August 16th 67 52 * | Q M Genls Office D H Rucker See EB July 31st 1867. August 21st. Filed. Official Copy furnished each officer through Asst Commr. | Washington DC August 15th 1867 Encloses S.O. No 18 Q.M.G.O August 15th appointing certain Disbursing officers as Quartermasters Agents |

| August 24, 1867 53 | Quarter Master General, The - D H Rucker, B.M.G. & Acting - August 24 :- Referred to the C.Q.M. | Washington D.C., August 23, 1867. States that on July 31, the Petersburg R.R. Co., of Va and N.C., discharged in full its indebtedness to the United States for railway materials purchased. Payment for transportation furnished thereby need no longer be withheld on account of the Q.M. Dept. |

| August 26, 1867 #54 | Quarter Master General; D.H. Rucker, BMG., The Acting - August 26: Referred to the C.Q.M. | Washington City August 26, 1867. Encloses reports in duplicate of appraised value of Q.M. Stores, sold to this Bureau by Bvt Col A P Blunt C.Q.M., Richmond, Va., with receipts of Bureau officers for the same, and requests the Commissioner to approve these sales and order the payment to be made to Col. Blunt. 16 enclosures. |

| August 27, 1867 #55 * | Quarter Master General; D H Rucker, B.M.G., The Acting - See T.268., and EB. Vol III p 422. file. Copy furnished Asst Comr. of Texas for his information. Aug 28th 1867. Official copy furnished C.Q.M. Sept 3d. | Washington City, August 26, 1867. Referring to the proposed transfer of the "Fisk School Building" and certain Office furniture, at Nashville, Tenn., from the Q.M. Dept to the Bureau R.F. & A.L., states that said transfer has been authorized, and that Genl Swords C.Q.M., Louisville, Ky., has been directed to have the transfer made, the money expended for repairs by the Bureau to be credited against the appraized value of the property. |