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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| August 21, 1867 #85 | Rowe, Jerome - | Ithaca, N.Y. August 19, 1867. Requests the Post Office address of Col. J. R. Lewis August 21st - "Respectfully returned to. Bvt Lieut Col. J.R. Lewis is on duty in this Bureau at Atlanta, Ga." |

| August 24, 1867 #86 File. * | Reed, Wm G., | Beaufort, S.C., June 10. 1867. Reports case of Caesar Wallace, Jr. (Freedman), connected with sale of land to him by W.M. Brisbane and W.E. Wording, U.S. Dis. Tax Commr's for La. Forwarded by Col Ketchum while in S.C. - No action taken. | 

| August 27, 1867 #87 | Rugg, D.C. | Huntsville, Ala., August 24, 1867. Acknowledges receipt of communication of the 29th ult, relative to 29 cords of wood furnished by him to the Bureau. States that Genl Callis informed him that no orders or inquiries have been received on the subject; and asks if he can do anything to facilitate the adjustment of his claim. 
See R.75. - Aug. 27: Referred to the Asst. Comm'r of Miss., for action, and to know why the end't of July 24th from these Head Quarters relative to this case has not been complied with. - |

| August 29, 1867 #88 | Raburn, Thomas | Cartersville, Ga., August 26, 1867 States that he made application through G.W. Pritchett, Bureau Agent, for transportation for himself and family, and the families of Robert G. Moore, Joseph M. Waldorf and Mary Pope from Cartersville Ga to Shreveport La., and has never heard anything from it. Desires to know if it has been viewed and if so, if it can be reissued. 
EB. Vol III S 487. - |