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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| August 20th 67 #486. * | South Carolina R.K. Scott file See P.L.B. Vol IV., for Aug. 21. '67 | Charleston S.C Aug 8th 67 Forwards commn of the Comr of August 7th in relation to the school matters in Beauford District. Expresses great satisfaction at the manner in which Mr. D has performed his duties and regrets that he should rest under the slightest imputation. |

| August 21. 1867 #487 | Smith. W.H.N.| Washington, D.O., August 20. 1867. States that a colored family in Alexandria, La, have been drowned out by the overflow, and inquires if transportation to Maryland will be given them. Aug. 22d "Referred to the C.Q.M." -|

| August 21. 1867 #488 | Seeley. F.A., Disbursing Officers (Mo')| Saint Louis, Mo., August 16. 1867. Encloses better from Rev. R. Brown of Leavenworth Kansas regarding the colored population in that city, and inquires whether the appropriation of $6.00 made by the Commissioner for aiding the work among them is still authorized. From a recent visit there he is concerned that there is much need of assistance from the Freedmens Bureau that part of the State, &c &c. One enclosure |

| August 22. 1867 #489 | Subsistence Department: A. E. Shiras. A.C.G.S. | Washington City August 21. 1867 Reports Lieut J.F. Cleghorn 45 Infantry & A.C.S., Nashville Tenn for [[?]] of rations to Destitutes in contravention of the Bureau Manual. August 22 Referred to the Chief C.S. |


| August 16. 1867. #490 * | Swartzwelder, A.C. Surgeon U.S. Vols. File | Nashville, Tenn., August 12. 1867. States that on the 30th ult he received orders to report for duty to the Asst. Comms of La., at New Orleans. Sickness in his family caused him to write to Genl Mower, asking his forbearance, and he addresses General Howard for the same purpose Will report to General Mower as soon as he can leave his family. File. See P.L.B. Vol III Aug 19, 1867 |

| August 17. 1867. #491 * | Swayne, W. - Major General Vols. (Asst Comm Ala.) file | Columbus O., August 13. 1867. States that O.D. Kinsman is in charge of his Office during his absence, and has sent him the Commissioners Circular letters respecting the salaries of Agents, Clerks &c., and remind the Commissioner that Capt. Kinsmans pay have been reduced by the reduction in the commutation value of rations, and of his agreement to raise Mr. K's salary to $175.00. See P.L.B. Vol. III Aug 19 1867. |

| August 23. 1867 #492 | Smith, A.T. - | Pinopolis, S.C. June 22. 1867. Encloses letters relative to the operation of his school and request the Bureau rent the building from Col. Shirer and pay and pay him a salary of $80.00, &c. Endorsed by R. Tomlinson, Esq. Supt. Ed. S.C. that "It is desirable to aid Col Shirer in his efforts. He is earnest, but I cannot recommend the adoption of his plan. In the first place it is doubtful whether we have the right to pay, as rent, the salary of a teacher, &c." EB Vol III p 467 |

Transcription Notes:
mostly complete just a couple of [?] all underlines to be deleted and blanks between pipes missing Editing - not even close to being complete. Whole sentences and paragraphs are missing, errors in word interpretations, and more.