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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| August 20. 1867. #503. * | Service, H H. See L B. Vol III., Aug 20. 1867. S.O. No 126., Par. I., c.s. PLB., Vol IV., Aug 21. 1867. | Alexandria, Va., August 19. 1867. Desires a position in Miss. (6 enclosures.) Filed. |

| August 26. 1867 #504. | Seely, F.A., Disbrsg Officer Mo. | Saint Louis, Mo., August 22. 1867 States that when in the service he was accustomed to call on the Army Surgeon of the post for medical services, whenever necessary, and request authority to continue this usage, &c. Aug. 27: Referred to the C.M.O. - Aug. 28: Rec'd back. - EB. Vol III. p. 484 |

| August 26. 1867 #505 | Subsistence: A.E. Shiras Ass't Comm'r Gen'l of- | Washington City August 24, 1867. Reports that Bvt Lieut Col Thomas Wilson, C.S., at Baltimore Md. overissued stores in July 1867, &c. Aug 26. Referred to the Chief C.S. - |

| August 26. 1867 #506 | Smith, James R., Bureau Agent. | Sandersville, Ga., August 22. 1867 Works at length respecting the freedpeople, their education, &c. Aug. 28: Referred to the Genl Supt of Education.- |

| August 26. 1867 #507 * | Stokes, Hon. W.B., (M.C. Tenn.) See T 319. Vol 16 '67. | Liberty, Tenn., August 19. 1867 Recommends F. A. Hanford of Alexandria, Tenn. as a suitable person for Disbursing Officers of the Bureau of Lebanon, and requests to be notified if this recommendation is favorably considered: Aug. 28: - Referred to the C.D.O. for his opinion. - Aug 31. Rec'd back. EB Vol III. p. 485: Sept. 9th Rec'd. back with report. EB. p. 512. Vol 3. Rec'd back. Aug 3d/74. W.G.P. |


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

August 27, 1867. #508 | Subsistence: A E Shiras. Ass't Comm'y Gen'l of - | Washington City August 26. 1867. States that Bvt. Maj. Genl A Beckwith. C.S. at New Orleans, Ss., issued to destitutes in July, '67., in excess of ration prescribed by the Bureau Manual. Aug. 27: Referred to the C.C.S.- |

| August 27. 1867 #509 | Seely, F.A., Disbrsg Officer Mo. | Saint Louis, Mo., August 23. 1867 States that Eudella Ross, child of Sarah Ross, of St Louis, was taken from her, 3 years ago, by James McKenna & carried to Athens, Ala., and is now supposed to be with Chas A Beckett. of Valhermosa Springs, Morgan Co., Ala., under the name of Ada McKenna. The mother is able to take care of the child, and requests her return. Aug. 27: Referred to the Asst Commr of Ala for investigation & report. |

| August 23. 1867 #510 * | Shields, Wm. Lieut., & A S.A Comm'r. | Falls Church Va., August 22. 1867. Applies for have of absence for 20 days. See S.O. 129., Par II., C.S. - File. - |

| August 28. 1867. #511 * | Subsistence: A E Shiras, Ass't Comm'y Gen'l of - | Washington City, August 27. 1867. States that Lieut Frank Thorp, 5th Arty, A C.S. at Key West. Fla., issued subsistence stores to destitutes in July. 1867., in excess of the ration prescribed by the "Manual." Aug. 28. Referred to the Chief C.S. - Rec'd back. Aug 3d/74. W.G.P. |