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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| August 29 1867 #512 * | Seip, Albert N. | Washington City August 29 1867 Requests the interference of this Bureau to assist Mrs. Mary Taylor (Colored) who has been bound over to keep the peace in $100.00 by Justice Bates on the complaint of her next door neighbor who was fined only shortly before for throwing offal to, into the woman yard, &c. E.B. Vol. 3 p.182 Aug 31st Recd back with report. file. |

| August 27 1867 #513 * | South Carolina: A. Neide D.O. of | Charleston August 23 1867 Writes relative to the muster out of General Scott and also about a proposed appropriation of $500.00 to Rev Mr. Potters School in the old Marine hospital building, &c |

| August 29 1867 514 | Seely, F.A. Disbursing Officer Mo. | St. Louis Mo. August 26 1867 Forwards letter of Mrs Tanny Wilson (Colored) who requests assistance from the Governor of Mo. in recovering her 3 children from Peter Coleman who unlawfully holds them in servitude, endorsed by his Excellency Thos. C. Fletcher, Governor of Missouri to the effect that the civil authority is powerless to enforce the rights of freedmen in Pemiscot County without the assistance of the military arm. Recommends, as there are no U.S. forces in the State that the Bureau Officer at Memphis Tenn. the nearest station, be directed to investigate this matter. Aug 30. Referred to the A.C. of Tenn for report, if it can be done by some officer without interfering with other duties. Sept 7th Recd back with report. E.B. p. 572 Vol 3. Oct 12th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 26. Vol 4. |

| August 28 1867 #515 * | Stannard, A - | Washington D.C. August 26 1867 States that in 1866, he was arrested with Bedford Hornsby for stealing two horses; that they were tried, convicted and sentenced to six years imprisonment, that the witnesses against them were a white man named Henderson (tried & condemned by Military Commission for horse stealing but released by the civil authorities) and his accomplices Bill Reed and Jim Sharp that the witness against them was false, and that from fear of injuring their |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

|   |   | own witnesses they did not try to prove an alibi; that he escaped and arrived in Washington in Dec. last and is employed at the Ebbitt house. - Wishes to send money to his wife who is in Lawrenceville Ga, and that justice may be done Hornsby who is still imprisoned. Is willing to stand a new trial. file. Stanard informed of contents. |

| August 31 1867 #516 * | South Carolina R.K. Scott B.M.G. & Asst Commr of - | Charleston SC August 24 1867 Report of Bureau affairs for month of July 1867 |

| August 31 1867 #517 | Subsistence A E Shiras Asst Commr Genl of - | Washington D.C. August 30 1867 States that Lieut C.W. Miner 28th Infantry ACS at Fort Smith Ark. in July, 1867, issued subsistence in excess of action prescribed by the Bureau Manual Aug 31: Referred to the Chief C.S.- |

| August 31 1867 #518 * | Seely, F.A. Disbrsg Officer Mo. | Saint Louis, Mo. August 28 1867 Transmits his Official Bond as required by his appointment. Aug 31. Referred to the Chief D.O. - Recd back from C.D.O. who has filed the bond acknowledged the receipt of the same file. |

| Aug 29th 1867 #519 | Smith Georgia, King. See S408 & 354 Vol 10 file with S49 Vol 9 | St Simons Island, Ga Aug 22 1867 Requests return of papers relating to her claim for rent &c or copies of said papers. Unofficial copies sent Mrs. G.K. Smith Aug 29th 67 |

Transcription Notes:
4.19.2022-Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review