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[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| June 3d 1867 #165 | Texas Chas. Griffin. Genl. See L.B. June 4" 1867 & See T #184 Vol 10 | Galveston May 24th 67 Requests that George T. Ruby be appointed Agent a salary of $100 per month June 4" Returned with appointment as requested. |

| June 3d 1867 #166 | Texas Chas. Griffin Genl. | Galveston May 25" 1867 Forwards approved proceedings of a Board convened to determine the rental value of rooms occupied by the Bureau of Refugees &c in Texas. June 4" Referred to Chief Qr. Master |

| June 5th 1867 #167 | Texas Chas. Griffin, Genl. See P.L.B. June 6" 1867 | Galveston May 21st 67 Forwards proceedings of a Board convened to determine the rental value of rooms occupied by this Bureau in Texas June 6" Approved & referred to Chief Qr Master. The Asst. Comr of Texas has been informed of this reference. |

| June 5th 1867 #168 | Texas Chas. Griffin, Genl. See. L.B. June 6" 1867 | Galveston May 28" 1867 Recommends that the appointment of John Williamson Agent be revoked to date June 15" 1867 June 6" Returned with letter revoking this appointment enclosed. |

| June 5th 1867 #169 | Texas Chas. Griffin. Genl. See L.B. June 6" 1867 | Galveston May 28" 1867 Recommends that the appointment of Thomas Bailey Agt. be revoked to date June 15th 1867 June 6" Returned with letter revoking this appointment enclosed. |
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[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| June 5" 1867 #170 * | Texas Chas. Griffin Genl. | Galveston May 29" 1867 Forwards approved Estimate of Lieut Chas. Garrison A.A.Q.M. for school fund as the school fund on hand is but $500. (estimated $720.00) June 6th Referred to Genl G.W. Balloch C.D.O. Letter of transmittal rec'd back Aug 3d /74 W.G.P. |

| June 5th 1867 #171 * | Tennessee W.P. Carlin Gen'l See Q#43 Vol10. | Nashville June 1st 1867 Returns letter of Genl Howard of May 15" 1867 stating that he has learned that the ladies of the Memphis Colored Orphan Asylum occupy the house and have placed the children out in shanties which are entirely unsuitable. Desires the matter brought before Mrs Canfield. With report of Lr. Col. Fred S. Palmer S.A.C. It would seem that the evil complained of does exist that it can only be remedied by building a new Asylum, or by abolishing the present Asylum and indenturing the children to responsible people. If it were not for the encouragement given to Mrs Canfield would recommend the latter course. supposes the best way of disposing of the matter is to build the Asylum promised, and then leave it to the Episcopal Church which in opinion of the Asst. Comr. will fail to support it, and compel the indenturing of the Children finally. and the Asylum be used for a school &c. file. |

| June 6" 1867 #172 | Tennessee W.P. Carlin Genl. | Nashville June 3d 1867 Asks consent to pay actual fare of Revd. D. Burt Supt of Schools for Tenn on a tour through the Northern and Western States, for the purpose of asking Missionary Associations in missing funds for the next years work in Tennessee. Summer vacations of schools begins about the 13th inst and continues until September 13th therefore his presence will be necessary. June 10th Returned. The payment of school transportation expense of Mr. Burt is hereby authorized. |
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Transcription Notes:
4.19.2022 - Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review.