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[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| June 6th 1867 #173 * | Tennessee W.P. Carlin Genl. See L.B. June 10th 1867 file | Nashville June 3d 1867 Acknowledges receipt of letter of May 15" 1867 and encloses copy of a Circular Letter addressed to Bureau Agents with reference to participation in party connections &c. Thinks "the constant assaults in the newspapers of the so called Radical party in Nashville seems to render it necessary." Feels it due to himself and the Colored people to put you on guard against certain within named parties notwithstanding all their plausible professions." |

| June 8" 1867 #174 * | Tennessee W.P. Carlin Genl. | Nashville June 5th 1867 In answer to the Comrs letter making inquiry respecting the designs of Mrs Canfield about leaving the Memphis Colored Orphan Asylum, reports that Mrs Canfield does intend to leave Memphis permanently and has transported the control of the Asylum to the Episcopal Church in Tennessee, but is not candid in her dealings &c. Calls attention to enclosed copy of report of the institution made to the Convention of the P.E.Church May 1" 1867 file Ans'd by L.B. June 12th 1867 |

| June 8" 1867 #175 | Texas Chas. Griffin. Genl See L.B. June 13th 1867 | Galveston May 29" 1867 Recommends that the salary of M.H. Goddin Agent be increased from $720.00 to $1200.00 per annum from June 1st 1867 June 10th Returned with appointment at the increase rate requested enclosed. |

| June 8" 1867 #176 | Texas Chas. Griffin. Genl. See. L.B. June 15th 1867 | Galveston May 31st 1867 Recommends that P.T. Duggan be appointed Agent at a salary of $100 per month. June 10th Returned with appointment requested enclosed. |
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[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| June 8 1867 #177 | Texas Chas. Griffin Genl See L.B. June 10th 1867 | Galveston May 31st 1867 Requests that appointment of Louis A. Jacobs Agent be revoked to date July 11th 1867 June 10th Returned with letter of revocation enclosed. |

| June 10th 1867 #178 | Tennessee W.P. Carlin Genl. see L.B. June 11th 1867 | Nashville June 6th 1867 Recommends that Louis T. Squire be appointed as Agent at a salary of $75.00 per month to succeed Mr. Bohn discharged to date June 3d 1867 June 10th Returned with appointment requested enclosed. |

| June 10th 1867 #179 * | Tennessee W.P. Carlin Genl See T#189 Vol 10. see P.L.Book June 11" 1867 file | Nashville June 6th 1867 States that he is informed Gov. Brownlow that there is a large Colored population in Monroe Co. where there is no Agent and that they are treated unfairly by the whites. Recommends that John C. Winkler be appointed as Agent at a salary of $75.00 per month. Has directed Capt Walker A.A.C. to investigate the affairs in Monroe Co and the qualifications of the Mr Winkler for Agent. |

| June 15th 1867 #180 √ | Tennessee W.P. Carlin Genl June 16th Referred to C.Q.M. | Nashville June 7th 1867 Corrects error in his letter of May 21st 1867 in regard to Mr. John Ogden and Mrs. A.B. Ogden and recommends that transportation be furnished for both from Nashville to St. Paul, Minn. |
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Transcription Notes:
4.19.2022 - Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review