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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug  1" 1867. #262.  * | Tennnesee W.P. Carlin Gen'l.  See L.B. Aug 25th 1867.  file. | Nashville  July 29" 1867  In reply to letter of the 26th inst. referring to a reduction of the force of the Bureau in Tenn., Suggests that now is the time to reduce the force, provided, no serious or prolonged disturbances should take  place on Election Day. Thinks it pssible to dispese with ten agents, & the Chief Surgeon. |

| Aug 2d 1867  #263. | Texas  Chas Griffin Gen'l.  E.B p. 405. Vol 3. | Galveston  July 25th 1867.  Forwards letter of Lewis A. Dobson, who reports the death of John Williamson, late S.A.C., & that he was considerably indebted for medical services rendered and articles furnished him during his sickness. Also that $326.00 is due him by U.S., for services rendered. Applies to have it paid to him for distribution among his creditors. With recommendation that the amount due John Williamson deceased $321.76 for services rendered in the Bureau in state of Texas, be paid to Lewis A. Dobson. |

| Aug 2d 1867.  #264 | W.P. Carlin. Gen'l.  See L.B. Aug 2d. 1867.  Aug 2d. Returned with letter of revocation & appointment enclosed as requested. | Nashville.  July 29th 1867.  Requests that the appointment of Fred. H. Purnten be revoked & that R. Simpson be appointed a clerk at a salary of $75. per month. |

| Aug 5th 1867.  #265. | Tennessee.  W.P. Carlin Genl.  See L.B. Aug 5th  Aug 5th Returned with letter of revocation enclosed as requested. | Nashville.  July 31" 1867.  Forwards approved the resignation of Alvin Allen as an Agent on account of being confirmed as Asst. Assessor of In. Rev. |

| Aug 5th 1867. #266. | Tennessee.  W.P. Carlin Genl.  See L.B. Aug 5th 1867.  Aug 5th. Returned with letter of revocation enclosed as requested. | Nashville.  July 31" 1867.  Requests that the appointment of Joseph A Blackmore Agent of the Bureau be revoked. |

| Aug 7th 1867.  #267 * | Treasury Dept  F. Andrews. Actg 2d Auditor  See T.257.  file  Off Copy furnished Gen Carlin  Aug 9th | Washington  Aug 5th 1867.  States in reply to the letter of Mr Quilty & Alden of Nashville &c. that no reason is seen by the simple statement of Mr Quilty, why the authorities should place a charitable construction upon the proposition and relieve him of the suspension. |

| Aug 7th 1867  #268. | Tennessee  Geo. W. Marshall D.O.  E.B p.422 Vol 3 - See Q 55. Vol 10 & Q 98 Vol 11. | Nashville Tenn.  July 22d 1867.  Transmits Special Requisitions for certail articles of Office Furniture & for twenty three (23) buildings buildings, known as the "Fisk School", said buildings are accounted for by him to the Qr. Mr. Genls. though they have been used for the last two years for Bureau purposes. Requests that an order be obtained from the Qr. Mr. Genl. authorizing the transfer of these articles and buildings to the Bureau, and the appoing [appointing] of a Band of Officers to assess their value. |

Transcription Notes:
incredibly hard to read Completed. 12th May 2022