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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 6th 1867 #269 * | Taylor A.C. See P.L.B. Aug 6th 1867. file | Oak Center, Wis. Aug 26 1867 | Requests and appointment in the Bureau |

| Aug 12th 1867 #270 | Tennessee, W.P. Carlin, Genl. See L.B. Aug 12th 1867 | Nashville Aug 1st 1867 Recommends that the appointment of James Ware & Jesse A Brown as Agents be revoked. Aug 12. Recommended letter of revocation enclosed as requested. |

| Aug 12th 1867 #271 | Tennessee W.P. Carlin, Genl | Nashville Aug 1st 1867. States that he has appointed John Lawrence as Special Agent for Nashville to take charge & find labor for freedmen who since the election have been thrown out of employment & recommends that he be paid $152 per month from Aug 5th 1867. Rec'd Aug 10th with appointment enclosed |

| Aug 12th 1867 #272 | Taylor Hawkins | Washington Aug 6th 1867. Recommends Dr. Martin for some position as Surg in one of the Southern States. Encloses recommendation. Aug 12th. Referred to Surg. Edwards C.M.O. |

| Aug 12th 1867 #273 | Tennessee. W.P. Carlin Genl. E.B. p 436 Vol 3 | Nashville Aug 9th 1867. Forwards letter of Geo. W. Marshall D.O. transmitting Bond required of him as Disbursing Officer in the Bureau |

| Aug 14th 67 #274 | Tourgee A.W. | Greensboro N.C. Aug 11 1867. Requests aid in discovering the whereabouts of Wm & Perrin Green freedmen When last heard from Wm was in Carroll Co. Miss, and Perrin 12 miles from Vicksburg. Aug 14 '67. Referred to S.C. Miss. for investigation and report |

| Aug 14 1867 #274 | Tourgee A.W. | Greensboro N.C. August 12th 67 | States that Isham Garrett (cold) of that place has been informed that his son Isham is now held in restraints by Miss Margaret Thomas of Fayette Co. Tenn. who refuses to surrender him. Requests that she be compelled to give him up. Aug 14. Referred to Asst. Com of Tenn. for report. |

| Aug 13 1867 #275 | Tennessee W.P. Carlin, File | Nashville Tenn. Aug 19th 67. "Monthly reports for July - viz Charges in Officers, Subsistence stores issued and of transportation. |

| Aug 11 1867 #276 * | Tennessee W.P. Carlin file | Nashville Tenn, Aug 11th 67. Telegram. "Many laborers have been discharged on account of their votes All can get employment |

| August 16 1867 #277 * | Tennessee W.P. Carlin file | Nashville Tenn. Aug 13th 67. Having remained until all disorders following the election are satisfactorily settled  will avail himself to his leave of absence on 14 inst. Lt. Col. Palmer will act in his absence. P.O. address Carrollton Ills. |

| August 17 67 #278 | Tillman Joselyn and others | Columbus Ky Aug 13th 67. States that the Sheriff of Hickman Co. demands them to pay $6.50 tax while white persons only pay $2.00. Requests that the Bureau protect them. Referred to the Asst. Comr of Ky. |