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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 24th 1867. #252 | Virginia O. Brown Gen'l See V 190. Q 29. July 25th Referred to Genl. G.W. Balloch, C.D.O. | Richmond, July 22d 1867. Forwards letter of R.M. Manly Supt. of Schools, enclosing Certified copy of the Charter of the "Richmond Educational Assn." also proceedings of a meeting of the Board of Directors in accordance with instructions, & requests the sum of $6000.00 understood to be appropriated from Freedmens Bureau for a High Normal School in Richmond Va. be paid to him as Treasurer of the Assn. |

| July 24th 1867 #253 | Virginia O. Brown Genl. July 24th Referred to Asst. Comr. of Ala. Recd back Aug 19th 67 EB. 456. | Richmond July 23d 1867. Forwards to the Asst Comr. of Ala. letter of Lieut A.F. Higgs A.S.A.C. stating that Stacy Smith (cold) has a wife living with Pearson Glabber of Demopolis Ala, but is unable to send for her, but can take care of her if she is furnished transportation |

| July 24th 1867 #254 * | Virginia O. Brown Gen'l. see V 239. see L.B. July 26th 1867. file. | Richmond July 23d 1867. In reply to letter of the 22d inst., reports that Mr H.A. Hopkins was discharged June 15th 1867. Mr R.A. Manly is recommended as Supt of Education at $150. per mo. Mr A.C. Josephs is paid from the "Congressional Appropriation fund", Mr. E.L. Erambert was erroneously reported, the appointments of T.C. Parrock & M.V. Bailey, were disapproved at Bureau Hd. Qrs., & that Mr. Peter Lyons is reported as employee but is one of six city physicians in charge of sick freedmen &c &c. |

| July 25th 1867 #255 | Virginia O. Brown Genl. see L.B. July 25th 1867. July 25th. Returned with appointment of Mr. Goodyear & letter of revocation of Mr. Butts enclosed as requested. | Richmond July 24th 1867 Recommends the discharge of F.A. Butts Agent and the appointment of C.P. Goodyear as Agent at a salary of $100 per mo. |

| July 6th 1867. #256 | Virginia O. Brown Genl. July 26th Transmitted to Asst. Comr. of Ky. Aug. 26: Recd Back with report. E.B. Vol III., p. 476. | Richmond July 25th 1867. Forwards to the Asst Comr. of Ky., letter of Lt. A.F. Higgs stating that Milley Barnes has a daughter 12 years old at West Liberty Ky., whom she wishes returned to her. |

| July 26th 1867 #257 * | Virginia O. Brown Genl. file. | Richmond July 24th 1867 Encloses Inspection Reports of each of the Sub Dist's. in Va. made by the S.A. Commissioners. |

| July 27th 1867. #258. | Virginia O. Brown Genl. July 27th Transmitted. Aug 10th Recd. back with report. E.B. p 430. Vol 3. Aug 13th Recd back with report. E.B. p 430. Vol 3. | Richmond July 26th 1867. Forwards to Asst. Comr. of Ga. letter of Lieut. P.R. Hambrick who requests transportation for Mary Aves & 2 children (cold) from Richmond Va. to Augusta Ga. to join her husband. To know the ability & willingness of the husband & farther of this woman to support her & her children. |