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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 2d 1867 #168 * | War Dept. E. B. p 330 Vol 3. July 10th Recd back with report file. | Washington June 1867 Refers an anonymous letter charges Maj Roberts on duty in Freedmen's Bureau with receiving commutation of Quarters while occupying Public Buildings as quarters at Crittenden Barracks. |

| July 3d 1867 #169 | War Dept. [[M. Weston?]] Secy. July 3rd Transmitted thro Asst Comr. of S.C. | Washington June 24th 1867. Informs Lieut Geo. P. McDougall 42d Infty that he has been appointed 2d Lieut in the 42d U.S. Infy & directs him to report by letter to the Commanding Officer of said regiment at Madison Barracks N.Y. |

| July 3rd 1867 #170 | Whipple W.J. et al July 3d Transmitted to the Hon. Secy. of the Treasury and recommended if legal. | Beaufort, S.C. July 1" 1867. Writes to the Sec of Treasury, stating that the citizens of Beaufort purchased a lot from one of the citizens which he had purchased from the U.S. on soldiers privilege, for educational purposes, on which there is still due the sum of $700.00 to the U.S. Petition that this sum be cancelled and a patent for the lot issued to the school board of Beaufort. | 

| July 10th 1867 #171 | Willetts Jacob S. Agent Freedmen's Bureau See P.L.B July 3rd 1867. See V 226, Vol 10. Enclosed with V 226 Vol 10 1867. | Indianapolis, Ind. July 8th 1867 Referring to letter of Capt B C Cook of June 29th, respecting the holding of Sarah Easter (col'd.) by W.J. Holliday of Indianapolis states that by request he has investigated the case & finds the girl contented & well treated & not willing to return to her mother; that Julia her mother is a woman of bad character, who once agreed to let Holliday keep the child, in consideration of which she received house rent, &c. Recommends that the child be not returned. |

| July 11th 1867 #172 * | War Dept. L.H. Pelouze A.A.G. filed with newspaperlist & Official copy furnished Asst. Comr. of Texas. | Washington July 10th 1867 States that the "Express" published at San Antonio, Texas, has been designated for the public advertising under Sec 7. Act of Congress approved March 25 1867. |

| July 13th 1867 #173 | Williams Mrs. July 13th Referred to Asst. Comr. of D.C. | Washington July 3d 1867. Requests that the bearer, a worthy woman, be aided in her wants. |

| July 15th 1867 #174 | Wilmer Wm R. July 15th Referred to Asst. Comr. of D.C. | Desires to be appointed the Supt of Freedmen's affairs, in Charles Co. Md. Encloses recommendations. |