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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 22d 1867 #184. * | Ware E.A. file. | Norwich Conn, July 19th 1867. In reference to the Supt'cy of Education for Ga., states that before he can accept the position he must write to & hear from Mr. Cravath of Cincinnati; & recommends that any suitable person be appointed as he prefers his present position at Atlanta. |

| July 22d 1867 #185 | Wigg. W Haggart. See PLB July 22d 1867. July 22d. Referred to Asst. Comr of D.C. Recd back Aug 16th with report EB 450 | Alexandria, Va. July 19" 1867 Reports on the authority of reliable letters that terrible destitution exist in Beaufort Dist, S.C., & requests that it be speedily relieved. |

| July 22d 1867 #186 | Wright J.H. Accepted see L.B. July 22d 1867. file. | Washington July 22d 1867 Tenders his resignation as Clerk in this Bureau to take effect July 31st 1867. |

| July 24th 1867. #187 * | War Dept. L.H. Pelouze A.A.G. file Copy furnished C.Q.M. July 24th 1867 | Washington
July 24th 1867 Directs that prior to issue, all Circulars & orders respecting the organization & working of this Bureau be submitted for his approval. |

| July 25th 1867 #188 * | Whittelsey H.M. Bt. Brig. Genl. & C.Q.M. July 25th Referred to Q.M.G. for his information & with the request that such action as he may deem proper may be taken. Wrapper containing the endorsement of Genl Whittelsey is filed. | Washington, July 24" 1867 Ford's letter of Bt. Maj G.F. Browning for'ding triplicate Ins & Inspect Report of Q.M. Stores pertaining to the Q.M. Dept, for which he is responsible. With remark the report should be approved by the Comr. & forwarded to the Q.M.G. for his information and action. |

| July 26th 1867 #189 | Wright J.H. July 27th. Referred to Asst. Comr. of Ky. for such information as can be obtained. Aug 5th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p 115 Vol 3. | Washington July 25th 1867. Desires information of Geo. Osborn (cold) (in behalf of his mother) who was, when last heard from, in Western Ky. Communications to be addressed to Harriet Allen, care of Robt. Courtney. Treasurer's Office. |

| July 27th 1867 #190 | Wilmot D. Hon. July 27th Referred to Asst Comr of D.C. | Towanda Pa., July 23d 1867. Desires to be furnished with a home servant. |

| July 26th 1867 #191 * | Whitebeck H.N. see P.L.B July 26th 1867 file | Berea, O., July 23d 1867. Requests employment in the Bureau of Refugees &c. |

| July 26th 1867. #192 * | Ware E.A. See L.B. July 27th 1867 file. | Norwich Ct. July 24th 1867 Accepts appointment of Supt of Education for the Bureau in Ga., & will be in Washington on Aug 6th 1867. | 

| July 13th 1867. #193 * | Wilson Henry U.S. Senator (Mass) see LB July 13th & S.O. relieving Lt. S. file. | Washington July 12th 1867 States that he is notified by loyal residents of Grenada, Miss., that Lieut Jas. H Shepley S.A.C. there is a bitter opponent of Congress & the reconstruction act a sympathizer & associate of rebels, & requests his removal |