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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 1st 1867. #194 | White W. R. Aug 1" Referred to Asst. Comr. of D.C. | Wheeling W.V. July 30th 1867. Encloses three letters showing six places in the state, where $100.00 would be sufficient aid to enable the colored people to build school houses. |

| Aug 2nd 1867. #195 | Whittelsey A.M. Chief Qr. Mr. Augt 2nd Referred with appointment enclosed as requested.| Washington Aug 2d 1867 Requests that Wm. A. Botts be appointed a clerk in his office at a salary of $100.00 per month from July 23d 1867 |

| July 31st 1867 #196 * | War. Dept. L.A. Pelouze. A. A. G. file with newspaper list | Washington July 27th 1867 States that the "Florida Union" published at Jacksonville has been designated for the public advertising. |

| Aug 3d 1867 #197 | Walbridge Geo R. Lieut 6th Infty. Aug. 3d. Forwarded to A.G. U.S.A., for his information. | Augusta, Ga, Aug 1st 1867 States that he rec'd S.O.#344, A.G.O. C.S., directing him to join his regt. But owing to his duties, and a summonds to appear before a Court Martial to give evidence he has been unable to comply therewith. As soon as relieved he will comply with said order. |

| 1867. #198 * | Wilson Henry Hon. file | Washington July 15rh 1867. Recommends C.K. Sherwood, a discharged soldier for a position in the Bureau of Refugees &c. |

| Aug 7th 1867 #199 | Wheeler Cornelia Aug 7th Referred to A.C. of Va., for report. Aug. 24th Recd back with report. E.B. Vol III. p.474. | New Orleans Aug 1st 1867 Desires to have her son Wm West (a mulatto) living with a colored lady Mary Laws at Alexandria, Va. sent to her she being able to obtain a livelihood for him. |

| Aug 8th 1867 #200 * | War Department Aug 8th Referred to Asst Comr of Fla. for report. Aug. 23d Rec'd back with report. E.B. Vol III, 471. | Washington Aug 7th 1867. Refers for report letter of M.M. McAtiley who reports bad care and management of the Chattahoochee Arsenal and effects, &c. and asks to be appointed in charge. |

| Aug 9" 1867 #201. | Washington Dept. E.R.S. Canby, Genl. E.B.p. 429. Vol 3. | Washington Aug 6th 1867. Returns letter of July 20th requesting the detail of 2 men from the 44th Infty. for orderlies. Endorsed by Comd'g. Officer of 44th Infty. stating the men asked for are ablebodied & that their services are needed in their reg't., a detail can be furnished from one of the Co's of disabled men (one armed men) that will be available as orderlies. |