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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received.| Name of Writer.| Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| August 22 1867 #211 | Wise, Jerome | Washington City August 21 1867 States that G.W.F. Benson, Agent of the Bureau in Arkansas left this City owning him $30.00 for room rent, which he has twice promised to pay, but has failed to do so. Requests that some action be taken on the matter as he has no hope of getting it unless he is compelled to pay it. Encloses copy of Bensons letter & note. - 2 enclosures. Aug 22 "Referred to Mr.  G.W.S.Benson. (thro'the A.C. of Ark.)." |

| August 23. 1867 #212 * | War, the Secretary of - by John Potts, Chief Clerk File | Washington D.C. August 22. 1867 States that the Clerk of the House of Representatives has notified the War Department of the election of the "Augusta National Republican "as one of the newspapers for Government advertising in Georgia, vice the "Loyal Georgian." Bureau Officials to be notified accordingly. Aug. 24th Official Copy furnished Asst Commr of Ga. |

| August 24. 1867 #213 * | Watson, James - | Washington City, August 21, 1867 Requests information as to the whereabouts of Jno N Baker, son of Malinda Barns, who enterred the army in March or April, 1864, at Cumberland, Md.; when last heard from (in Aug. 1866) he was in San Francisco, California. File |

| August 27, 1867 #214 | War, The Secretary of - by F.T. Dent, ADC. See P.56 & P.58 | Washington City, August 26, 1867 Refers letter from J.M. Clary Perkins, who states that the Ass't Comm'r Bu RF&AL. for D.C. has taken from him his Office table, and calls for action therein. Aug. 28. Referred to the Asst Commr D.C. for report - Sept 23d Rec'd back with report. E.B.p 568, Vol 3. |

| August 27, 1867 #215 | Wall, O.S.B - Employment Agent | Washington D.C. August 21, 1867. Encloses a letter from Mrs. Lucy Alexander, Oberlin O., in reference to some claim she has against some estates in Kentucky. Knows Mrs A., & thinks her claims just, etc. Aug. 27. referred to the Asst Commr of Ky. for investigation & report. Oct. 31. Official copy of the above referred to A.C. of Ky. for early attention. Nov. 27th Rec'd back with report E.Bp 186. Vol 4. |

| August 27, 1867 #216 * | Welch, Daniel - file. see P.L.B. Vol 4 Aug 30th 1867 | Belleford, Pa., August 21, 1867. Recommends Colonel W Brown for a position in the Bureau. appt Nov 67 |

| August 28, 1867 #217 | War, The Secretary of -: by F.T. Dent. AD.C. | Washington City August 26. 1867 Refers petition of James A. Pettiford and others (ex[[lored?]]) ex US. Soldiers, residents of Ms., for the abolishment of the St Louis agency for the payment of bounties, arrears of pay, &c. Aug. 30 Referred to the C.D.O. - |

| August 29, 1867 #218 | Wood, Mrs Charlotte - | Washington City, 1867. Forward letter of her son Richard Wood, with regard to the loss of $369.00 by the burning of the Car containing his baggage between Chattanooga and Nashville, Tenn. Aug. 29: Referred to the A.C. Tenn for report. - |