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May 21, 1965

Dear Leroy:

Congratulations and our thanks! Your letter of the 18th with the very pleasant news about the Claude Lefebvre purchase by your Museum arrived this morning, just a week after Mr. Seligman's departure, but I shall communicate it to him at the earliest possible moment. 

I hasten also to tell you that the suggestion of payment after July 1st is perfectly agreeable. Enclosed you will find our invoice accordingly.

When will you be coming to New York? Of course, I shall count on seeing you as I simply must be brought up to date on the new developments. You will remember that my new address is: 117 East 58th Street and the telephone number is: 582-3054.

Meanwhile, we will expect the Millet back in New York.

With renewed appreciation,

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker

Mr. Leroy W. Flint
The Akron Art Institute
69 East Market Street
Akron, Ohio 44308

5/21/65 P.7 ACKN