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telfoon 73 21 21
postgiro 42 51 80


uw ref.:
onze ref.: KB/JS
uw brief:

AMSTERDAM, February 1st, 1963

Mr. Germain Seligmann,
5, East 57th Street,
New York. 22. N.Y.

Dear Mr. Seligmann,

Thank you very much for sending the drawing by Natoire on approval. You may have received my answer to your telegram by now, giving the confirmation that it reached Amsterdam safely. I decided to keep the drawing.

This decision took me some time because the drawing caused some disappointment at first. I realised however, that it will be hardly possible to get a finer example of Natoire's figure-studies and I am glad I could find this one which is so well documented.

May I thank you again for your courtesy and may I ask you to send a definite invoice in threefold for the last price you mentioned.

Yours very sincerely,
K.G. Boon
K.G. Boon

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