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10 June 1977

Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
New York, New York 10022

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Over the years this museum has, as you know, had the pleasure of your assistance in strengthening our collection. In cataloguing four French drawings I have noticed your collector's mark, and am wondering if you might be able to help in establishing the history of these works.

[[left margin]] 1 [[/left margin]] The first, a photograph of which is enclosed, is a small oval Portrait of a Woman attributed to Augustin de Saint-Aubin. It came to us in 1969 from the collection of the late Paul Grigaut. Would you know at what time the drawing was in your possession and when Mr. Grigaut acquired it? Also, do you know anything of it's previous history or when and by whom the attribution to Augustin de Saint-Aubin was made?

[[left margin]] 2 [[/left margin]] The second, a photograph of which is also enclosed, is a drawing of a battle scene by Raymond Lafage which was purchased from you in 1966. Again, anything you might know about its previous history and when it was in your collection would be valuable information for our records.

[[left margin]] 3 [[/left margin]] Finally, in 1969 this museum purchased from you two drawings by Charles-Nicolas Cochin, fils, which illustrate two of Jean de La Fontaine's Fables choisies, which were included in the exhibition The World of Voltaire prior to their acquisition (I have duplicated and enclosed the page from that exhibition's catalogue which illustrates these two drawings). Again, any information on provenance would be helpful. These drawings were apparently based on croquis by J. B. Oudry which I have not been able to locate (or even to determine if they are extant). Would you have any idea as to the whereabouts of these Oudry sketches?

[[left margin]] 4 [[/left margin]] One final question: Does the presence of your collector's mark indicate that these drawings were in your personal collection for some time, or was it routinely placed on works which passed through your hands?

Thank you so very much for your attention to these details. If you have any use for the photographs please feel free to keep them. This letter brings our continued best wishes from Ann Arbor.

Yours Sincerely,
Michael Goodison
Michael Goodison
Research Assistant.

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