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November 7, 1968

Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York, New York 10022

Dear Mr. Seligman:
Thank you for your kind words about our exhibition, "A Collection in Progress", which closed last Monday and was a great success. Unfortunately, however, the Dumont terra-cotta, which I liked so much, was not purchased, but I still hope it may find its way back to Ann Arbor in the future. I am very sorry about this and that I could not do more to acquire it at the present time. But I am sure you understand my position. It was sent to you yesterday afternoon with much regret. I trust that you will receive it within a day or so. 

Also, I would like to mention that we took the liberty to fasten a very small section of the frame on the upper left side, about one-quarter to one-half inch at the most. Otherwise, it would have marred the whole effect.  One donor had expressed interest in it, and it did make the piece more pleasant. However, if you care to have the frame restored as it was, please bill us and I shall see to it that the matter is taken care of promptly. When you receive the relief, you will notice that the damage on the frame is very minute.

I have the photographs and detailed information which you kindly sent us, and I still hope that the piece may prove to be of interest to the collector mentioned above. But, at present, I still feel it is better to return it to you. 

I expect to be in New York within the next three weeks, and I shall, of course, call on you.

With best regards to you and Mrs. Theresa Parker,
I am

Sincerely yours, 
Paul Grigaut
Paul L. Grigaut
Associate Director
