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Mr. Charles H. Sawyer   -2-  July 7, 1959

Sebastiano Ricci is easily identified as a whole;and his style, as you well know,has no resemblance with the one of the artist who conceived your water color.

Now, as to the question of how to show it, if you allow me a suggestion, I would personally be in favor of bringing the two parts together; for if my recollection serves me right, the outer circles of figures meet exactly - it is only towards the center that a small opening would remain.

And as to the framing, a very simple molding should do. During the time you had examined the water color, and when it was sshipped, I had ordered such a one- white wood with oak color, which I have here; and were it agreeable, I would gladly send it to you with my compliments, of course. It makes no claim to any aesthetic merit, but as long as it is available it might prove useful. In view of the weight of the glass it would need fastening at the four corners once the drawing is set it.

Trusting these lines will have answered some of your queries, and with best regards,

Sincerely yours,
Germain Seligman

Mr. Charles H. Sawyer, Director
Museum of Art
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan