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New York 22, New York
April 29, 1959

Dear Mr. Sawyer:
Following your so very agreeable visit of this morning, I take pleasure in sending you herein photographs

(2) of the Giovanni Odazzi "Church Ceiling", which, I am afraid do not show the merit of this lovely work

as well as

(1) of the Federico Zuccaro ceiling, "Last Judgment".

As I explained to you it was thanks to Anthony M. Clark that we were able to identify the Odazzi (1663-1731) watercolor with the cupola in the Cappella d'Elci of Santa Sabina in Rome, for which evidently it was the first study. It represents God the Father with Christ and the Virgin surrounded by characters of the Old and New Testaments. The price of the latter is $1,800 (one thousand eight hundred).

The drawing by Federico Zuccaro (born ca 1540, died 1609) red chalk, pen and bistre wash on ecru paper, shows one section of the fresco decoration depicting the Last Judgment in the cupola in the Cathedral of Florence. Its price is $1,200 (one thousand two hundred).

Should you wish to have an opportunity of examining further these drawings, I will be happy to forward them to you at your request.

With personal regards,
Sincerely yours,
Germain Seligman

Mr. Charles H. Sawyer, Director
University of Michigan
Museum of Art
Alumni Memorial Hall
Ann Arbor, Michigan

PS. The dimensions of the Odazzi Ceiling are 28-3/4" in diameter. I had the two photographs glued as I think they give a better impression of the whole "ensemble"