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November 17,1938

Dear Mr. Sawyer:
Leafing through the last co y of the "Art Quarterly" I was impressed with the reproduction of a marble statue, "Saint", acquired by your museum. If it is as I assume the one from the Tate Collection, I do want to send you my congratulations on this acquisition, for it is indeed a work of art I greatly admired when I saw it a good many years back.

You know how close to my heart sculptures of such merit, and particularly, these medieval and/or Renaissance periods are. It gives me much pleasure to notice that you are reacting against the present tendencies which neglect so strikingly such aesthetic representations of these leading centuries.

It is true of course that these remarkable statues are indeed rare, but it is a further reason to acquaint young art students with them.

Hoping I [[strikethrough]] amy [[/strikethrough]] may soon again have the pleasure of seeing you and with personal regards, 

Yours sincerely, 
Germain Seligman

Mr. Charles H. Sawyer
University of Michigan
Museum of Art
Alumni Memorial Hall
Ann Arbor, Michigan