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February 19th., 1949 

My dear Mrs. Brown: 

Mrs. D.H. Haines was good enough to send us a catalogue of the exhibition you held From January 6th., to 26th., at the Slumni Memorial Hall, and suggested, should we need further information, that we communicate with you. 
T as thus taking the liberty of sending you these lines to ask whether in your catalogue you have made a difference between prints and original paintings. 

We are trying to keep up records of the works of certain artists, hence this inquiry. 

For instance, are numbers 34 "Two Boys" by Picasso, and 35 "Divan Japonais" oil paintings or prints? - or the latter a watercolor? 

46. "After-glow" by Corot, I Surmise must be a drawing. Would this also apply to 72. "Landscape" by Corot? 

Again, No. 78. "Monsieur Royar Colas", I surmise is a print. 

96 "Two Boys" by Picasso is probably the same print as No. 34., and 97. "Noanoa" by Gauguin a woodcut? 

Is 107 "Christ Tormented" by Rouault an oil painting?

May I also inquire whether 48. "Sea Nymph' by Maillol is a sculpture? We are planning an exhibition of sculpture and drawings by the letter, and this information would be of help. 

I do hope you will not think we are imposing in taking up so such of your time. 

Thanking you in advance, believe me to be,

Yours very sincerely,
(Germain Seligman) 
Mrs. Mae Brown 
1918 Day St. 
An Arbor 