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September 26, 1974

Mr. Germain Seligmann 
Jacques Seligmann & Company
5 East 57th Street
New York, New York 10022

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

For the opening of the Walters Art Gallery's new wing, we are planning to have a documentary exhibition of William and Henry Walters' lives, activities, and collecting. For this exhibition, we would like very much to get a photograph of your father, as he was the source of so many things for Henry Walters. 

I have not had a chance to look, but it occurs to me that in your book, there were several good photographs, and it might be fun to have one showing him in his Paris villa, or somehow or other involved in the works of art. In any case, if you have such a photograph, we will be happy to pay for having it copied, and the print should be at least 8x10 inches, if possible. 

You will be receiving an invitation to the opening, which will be on November 15, in the evening. I hope you can come at that time, or if not, shortly thereafter as the majority of the long-hidden collections will once again be on view.

Sincerely yours, 
Rick Randall
Richard H. Randall, Jr.
