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October 18, 1972

Dear Mr. Randall;

May I express my very sincere thanks for the Journal of the Walters Art Gallery you were so good as to forward.  So very characteristic of your publications, I found it most interesting, and I greatly admired the thoroughness with which you studies the impressive Flemish altar of your Museum.

It was thoughtful indeed of you to have mentioned my father in connection with it.  I must admit that I had forgotten this pedigree, if ever I knew it, for its purchase by Mr. Walters occurred before my becoming active in the firm.

Writing in this vein,calles to my attention how very long it is since I have had the pleasure of seeing you here, and may I express the hope thatyou will put me down for one of your next visits to New York.

With best regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Richard H. Randall, Jr.
The Walters Art Gallery
600 North Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201