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ample auditorium for our lectures, films, and public events; twice the amount of permanent gallery space to house the Walters collection; and special exhibition galleries to allow us to bring more exciting national and international exhibitions, such as "The Dead Sea Scrolls" or the "Tutankhamun Treasures" to Baltimore.  Equally important, we will have new services, elevators, ample meeting space, and special areas to introduce the school and college students of Baltimore to the world of art from Egyptian times to 1910.

Your gift will help make this possible.  Gifts may be made in cash, securities, or pledge form.  A pledge card is enclosed.  Pledges may be made over a three to five year period, and the Walters qualifies in the 30% category for Federal income tax deduction purposes.

A Committee for the Members' Drive has been formed under Mr. C. Herbert Sadtler to complete this third phase of the campaign.  The fund raising office at No. 5 West Mount Vernon Place will be open every weekday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., and inquiries can be directed to Miss Margaret Cooke at that office, or to Mr. Richard H. Randall, Jr., the Director, at SA 7-2075.

We are counting on the Gallery's membership and friends to match the generosity of the donors who have already provided three fourths of the private funds to build the new Walters wing.

Sincerely yours,

D Luke Hopkins

D. Luke Hopkins

Francis D. Murnaghan Jr

Francis D. Murnaghan, Jr.