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September 24th., 1948

Dear Mr. Hope:

As per your request, I take pleasure in enclosing herein the photographs of the paintings by Braque, which you expressed the desire to have.

In due course I shall also send you a bill for these in addition to those turned over to you earlier. You can thus dismiss this matter from your mind.

Now, answering your query about which painting by Braque Mr. de Hauke referred to the one with "Paquet de Tabac" and a collage, may I say that as I correctly feared, I find that I have no photograph of the still-life painting purchased by Mr. Galletin, nor of the two others which were sold about twenty years ago or so.

You also asked me about the one from the Early Horter collection. It is the one of the "Battleship".


Photos nos. 4-5-6-8-9 of the Braque list