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WALTER MUIR WHITEHILL, Director and Librarian

10 1/2 Beacon Street, Boston 8, Massachusetts

7 February 1951

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I am very grateful indeed for your interest in helping me locate the Sargent conversation picture of the Besnard, and enclose for your fuller information my file on the picture in question.  I am unable to say when the clipping from the Sunday paper appeared, but think it may have been at the time of Besnard's visit to America when he was selling certain of his pictures to Mr. Winthrop (through Scott & Fowles, probably) and that may have been in the late 'twenties.  Needless to say, this reproduction is my only evidence that such a picture exists, and I should like it back when you have seen it.  I was not quite sure which branch of your family I should have addressed, as my informant in Paris simply told me the picture was sold by Seligmann; however, I am glad to have found a responsive member!  It may very well be that the Besnard group was sold in France, but since I have from time to time come across pictures which he himself sold in America about 1930 (before or after), it seemed most likely that he unloaded this one here.  It is amusing to see Besnard crowded into a corner in both the Sargent and his own painting.

Believe me most appreciative of any help you can give me.

Yours very sincerely,

David McKibbin
David McKibbin

Germain Seligman, Esq.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.