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May 20th, 1941
Dear Mr. Allen:
I am sending you herewith enclosed a list of people who have old master drawings of different schools and periods; this list more-or-less supplements the first list which I had worked on with Mr. de Hauke relative to French 19th century drawings. 

I should like to call your attention to several points regarding enclosed lists: first, by telling you that of course it is in no way complete. In my opinion there must be countless homes in every section of the country which perhaps contain one or two drawings of good quality which are completely unknown either because they were acquired so many years ago that most people have forgotten about them, or that the owners are not collectors in the true sense of the word, and therefore their names have not appeared in catalogues, exhibitions and the like. For such people the only way I know of digging down to the roots is to approach the various museum directors and curators in the local community, who would of course have a far better record than I of any such drawings (I believe this is notably true in the case of Henry S. Francis, Cleveland Museum).

I have divided the list into two main general categories, consisting of drawings which I know and have personally seen, or in some cases outstanding drawings which I know by reputation, and a second category containing collectors whose drawings I have never seen but whose names have been given to me at one time or another as having items of quality and note. These, of course, I cannot vouch for, but I believe that in the general plan and idea you discussed, they certainly would bear looking into with the resulting inevitable weeding-out. 

Finally, you will note that only in a few cases do I mention the specific drawings either because the collection is too large (and at the same time well known to you) or because I believe it is simpler to classify them in general way regarding school and period. 
