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May 20th, 1941

In my opinion there is certainly one person who could amplify and augment this list to a large degree, and that person is of course Agnes Mongan who must have countless records in her files which would be of invaluable assistance.

Unfortunately, there have been all too few drawing exhibitions in this country in recent years, particularly on the part of museums.  Certainly the exhibition of Master Drawings at Buffalo held, I believe, in 1935, and a similar exhibition at the World's Fair in San Francisco last year are known to you, but in any case the catalogues prove useful and interesting.  In like manner, the Rembrandt Exhibition of Chicago and Worcester some years back and the recent Goya Exhibition in Chicago contain drawings, and I believe, although I have not seen them in some time, that the catalogues of such exhibitions as the Rubens and Frans Hals shows at Detroit some years back, contained a few interesting drawings.

I trust that the enclosed will prove helpful to you in this fascinating venture and I hardly need add that if I can be of any further assistance to you, or offer any further information regarding any of the particular drawings, I will be only too glad to. 

With kindest regards and hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you again in the near future, I am

Yours most sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)


W.G. Russell Allen, Esq.
112 Pinckney Street
Boston, Massachusetts