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April 10th, 1941
Dear Mr. Allen:
You must have been surprised not to have heard from me sooner in connection with the questions you had so kindly put up to me on the matter of drawings and water colors which I might know of in American collections.
Unfortunately, everybody in our firm has been sick, and I, myself, had to be in Canada for quite a while. When I returned and wanted to write to you, Mr. Levy who keeps a very excellent and precise record on the contents of American collections, fell ill himself and was away for three weeks; thus delaying further my sending you the enclosed information.
When I look over the very scant and unimpressive information I am giving you, I realized once more how very few collections of drawings are to be found in the United States, especially if one doesn't want to mention just signatures, but wishes to make a selection such as the one you have in mind.
Indeed, it seems to me that in the case of the collection to be formed by The National Gallery, it is much more important to know what should not go into this group rather than what should.
Having omitted such collections as Mr. Winthrop's, Mr. Sachs', Mr. Robert Allerton's, Mr. Hamilton Rice's, certain collections containing a few old masters, and finally your own, you will see how little new information, if any, I am able to give you.
I have, in most cases, mentioned only the drawings which should form part of the g r eat collection which could be exhibited at all times, leaving aside the second quality works which might form a group kept on file in a study room. Please note that I have checked in red the works which I consider very important and representative. The others are just good or interesting works and in some cases, I have just indicated the name of the owner of works by the artist.
Should you want a complete list of all the drawings and water colors of the 19th and 20th century which I know of here, I could make it for you, but it would be a rather long document which I do not believe could be of